Nobody Rents Consoles Anymore?


Hello! :)

When I was young, you could rent just about any console from most rental places. For example, Dreamcast from Blockbuster, or PSX, or even Game Gear.

But now no place does this anymore, it seems. :( Do you remember back when this was common? Do you know of any place that still does it now?

Okay, thanks, bye! :)
Hello! :)

When I was young, you could rent just about any console from most rental places. For example, Dreamcast from Blockbuster, or PSX, or even Game Gear.

But now no place does this anymore, it seems. :( Do you remember back when this was common? Do you know of any place that still does it now?

Okay, thanks, bye! :)

Yep, but I think those were the last real phase of console that we'll ever see at rental until the optical-disc medium of storage (CD/DVD/BR) goes away. I used to work for a big rental retail chain - and seeing the number of damaged untis returned because joe-sixpack couldn't conceive that their 6-year old probably shouldn't be putting PB&J sandwiches in the playstation CD area and closing it, fucked all of us!

I'm not kidding - at that particular company it's was somehting ludicrous like an 80% return rate on broken consoles.

