FWIW, my colleague compared 20 games with and without hyperthreading with a 1080 Ti and a Fury X in 720p (with AA/AF and AO turned off as much as possible):
In Rise of the Tomb Raider and Hitman (both in DX12 mode) the Fury X managed to beat the 1080 Ti.
In AotS and Sniper Elite, the 1080 Ti was faster, as well as in all DX11 and DX9 titles (Overwatch, For Honor, BF1, Fallout 4, DEMD, Witcher 3, Goat Sim, FC Primal, Grid Autosport, GR Wildlands, GTA 5, WoW, WD2 and TW:WH). Curiously, in Outcast 1.1, which uses a software-render, the Fury X was ever so slightly faster as well (24,1 vs. 23,7 fps with and 22,8 vs. 22, without SMT).
So yes, in some (rare? maybe evolving into a trend - who knows?) cases, the Fury X can be more forgiving on the CPU than the GTX 1080 - or probably rather their respective drivers.