I am sorry Deadmeat but I now fully believe you have a have zero knowledge of what you speak about. You base your assumptions off of one news report with no evidence to back you up. You need to look at things a little more clearly and not so onesided.
Now it's my turn to rant. This might come as a shock for a mod to do this but I need to revert into a raving maniac for once.
Deadmeat: What is your problem? Seriously, why so much angst against Sony and Nintendo? Do you stop to think about the things you right or do you flat out accept everything you right as fact and not opinion? You state things like they are fact and it makes you come off as a person with little intelligence in what they say. Assumptions are all fine and dandy in the world of speculation, but don't be blind to these assumptions. Your charade of putting down things left and right is tiresome and is agitating the entirety of the console forum. You contribute to many good threads but a lot of threads are wasted by your bickering and arguing. I want to know why you constantly bash, bash, bash things people discuss here. Someone says something positive about something and you turn it into something it isn't. It's getting redundant seeing all your posts being negative and contributing nothing good to this forum. Please leave if you want to continue this act of ruining and starting threads just to prove a single point that a company can do no right. Just stop it!
End rant.
I said what I had to say and accept whatever actions are taken against me for it.
As for N5, it will come and it won't be in 2007 but earlier. At least that's what the Big N is telling devs.