Nintendo's new philosophy.. blessing or curse?

Lets see.

A delayed console on Nintendo's part would now open the possibility for Microsoft to get NEC to fab the Xbox 2 VPU. NEC worked with ATI last time and it has already been hinted that eDRAM will be on the ATI console version of the R500.

This is however wild speculation at this point.
PS. Quite a number of Sony fans irritate me, but do you see me complain? I don't. Unless this forum is titled "Sony Talk", people of all preferences are invited to discuss and share their opinions.

No, you retaliate, you obstrutificate and you frequent pigeon hole others into you own little twisted categories so as to diminshing any contributions they have to each thread.

in short your a troll and a very good one at that.
Sonic said:
I am sorry Deadmeat but I now fully believe you have a have zero knowledge of what you speak about. You base your assumptions off of one news report with no evidence to back you up. You need to look at things a little more clearly and not so onesided.

Now it's my turn to rant. This might come as a shock for a mod to do this but I need to revert into a raving maniac for once.

Deadmeat: What is your problem? Seriously, why so much angst against Sony and Nintendo? Do you stop to think about the things you right or do you flat out accept everything you right as fact and not opinion? You state things like they are fact and it makes you come off as a person with little intelligence in what they say. Assumptions are all fine and dandy in the world of speculation, but don't be blind to these assumptions. Your charade of putting down things left and right is tiresome and is agitating the entirety of the console forum. You contribute to many good threads but a lot of threads are wasted by your bickering and arguing. I want to know why you constantly bash, bash, bash things people discuss here. Someone says something positive about something and you turn it into something it isn't. It's getting redundant seeing all your posts being negative and contributing nothing good to this forum. Please leave if you want to continue this act of ruining and starting threads just to prove a single point that a company can do no right. Just stop it!

End rant.

I said what I had to say and accept whatever actions are taken against me for it.

As for N5, it will come and it won't be in 2007 but earlier. At least that's what the Big N is telling devs.

So you think Nintendo has done well over the last 7 or so years? People point out that Nintendo makes money, but the profit levels are not what they used to be and they show no sign of ever returning with current stratigies. While other companies like EA and Activision have experienced explosive growth and have positive outlooks in the long term.
*rubs eyes in disbelief*

Well... after reading through this thread I have no choice but to conclude that the poster we know as "Deadmeat" is infact not a member of the human race, but a mindless automaton composed of strict logic without the possiblity for doubt.

"It" has obviously been programmed to seek out information and use it to discredit Sony and anyone/anything else who gets in the way of its main objective. Presumably this is the work of a brilliant (although hopelessly mad) artificial intelligence programmer who probably had his Sony TV/MD/dvd player break while he was enjoying something entertaining, which of course forced him to swear undying revenge and work night and day until his maniacle construct was complete.

Obviously he met his timely demise before his utimate creation was perfected or else Sony would already be filing bankruptcy... yet his flawed legacy lives on in this (and probably countless other) technical forums.

Left alone to its machinations who knows what sublime madness this creature known as "Deadmeat" has woven around itself... and what terror it could still unleash!

Quickly forum residents, we must take up our brands and pitchforks and drive it out before its too late! Its the only way...

;) :LOL: Hmm, that was fun!
Brimstone said:
it has already been hinted that eDRAM will be on the ATI console version of the R500.

Um, you mean in that completely factually incorrect xbox fan-site "article" that revealed the revolutionary plans ATi has of on-chip framebuffer memory, something Sony's used for four years and counting now? :)

This is however wild speculation at this point.

You don't say?

And Bohdy: :LOL: ROFLOL! :LOL:
Guden Oden said:
Um, you mean in that completely factually incorrect xbox fan-site "article" that revealed the revolutionary plans ATi has of on-chip framebuffer memory, something Sony's used for four years and counting now? :)
Heck, seeing as how it's also on Flipper, it's not even revolutionary for ATi! ;)

Why aren't you replying to the points I brought up in my previous posts? Your argument has now changed from "Nintendo will do this because that article says so" to "Nintendo will do this because IMO it'd be best for them". Guess what Deadmeat, what you think is best for Nintendo and what Nintendo think are actually seperate things! I know its hard for you to believe, but its true.

In the end you can retionalise your argument with as many platitudes as you like. But none of it changes the actual facts of the situation.

EDIT - After reading the thread Deepak started I see that there's no point of me even asking some of the questions I originally asked in this post. So they're deleted.

Ok Deadmeat, you've heard it from NOA, now you've heard it from NOJ. Now is it to much to imagine you might now have some dignity and admit that you were wrong?
The only way Nintendo's situation is similar to SEGA's is the fact that they are the underdog currently. Other than that Nintendo is not making any bonehead moves that still haunts SEGA to this day.

Brimstone, Nintendo has only done poorly towards the end of the N64's lifespan and into the GCN. My memory might be a bit poor but I seem to recall Nintendo being more profitable than ever in one of the N64 years. I don't know for sure but I'm sure someone can anaswer that one. While current profit levels are nowhere near what they used to be they're still a nice respectable size. I hve no doubt that if Nintendo put out the games people wanted to play than its software and profits would soar. There's a new Zelda coming along that has yet to be unveiled, and somewhere there is a Mario game in development that could stir up the industry in ways that hasn't happened since Mario 64.

EA has made great strides and has had a nice evolution. I'm not sure if explosive growth is the right term as I'm sure it has been a steady growth ever since the 16-bit days. They have grown large and they're the #1 American publisher and it doesn't look like that will stop. They have all the bases covered from PC's to consoles from sports to racing to action. The only genres it seems they don't have their hands in are fighting and RPG's. But I do believe Nintendo can trounce them in sales and profits i they release the software their fans truly want.

Nintendo is building new franchises, which is great and will be nice to see them build upon them in the future. However, if they were to release certain titles and it lived up to people's expectactions and than some we would see a spike in software sales for Nintendo.

Let's just wait for E3 and see what Nintendo's current and future business plans just are. It will give us a better idea of what the company wants to do and what it will take for them to do it.
I can't vouch for the accuracy of this report, but here it is.

This is a report by a Japanese news publication Mainichi("Everyday News"). It says that Nintendo revealed on 10th Feb that the "successor to the Gamecube will be revealed at E3". It also mentions that more about the DS will be revealed at the same event.

I'll have to repeat that I can't vouch for the accuracy of the report.
Dow Jones News said:
Nintendo Co. (7974.OK) has decided not to release a new video game console to follow its current GameCube for the time being
The home-use game machine and software developer will instead diversify games and sell newly developed peripherals mainly for the GameCube.
Nintendo plans to release peripherals as early as 2005. Although details aren't yet known, these devices are expected to diversify playing styles by improving the gaming experience and connections with hand-held units rather than improve graphics and sound quality.

Hmm where have I heard this before...





Good thing they've leared something, at least they're doing something new, although not exactly original....
We can't but welcome Nintendo going the "innovation" way like Sony has been focused on, it can only bring good things...
Also, competition on the "innovation" business can only bring even BETTER innovation, don't you think?
In the end, we, the consumers, can only gain from it: better quality at lower prices.
Teasy said:
Ok Deadmeat, you've heard it from NOA, now you've heard it from NOJ. Now is it to much to imagine you might now have some dignity and admit that you were wrong?

Why? He's not wrong at all, see here:

Deadmeat's going to say NOJ is merely in damage control mode where they'll say they still have plans for a successor to not make people lose faith in their current offering, but he knows that the train's obviously left the station for them (2007 launch at the earliest, as proven by him earlier), which means it'll be too late, which means they're still cancelling development to save money.

Nintendo is becoming software only, as proven by Deadmeat.,4364,1522854,00.asp

Okay, I guess it isn't as bad as I thought. N5 will be coming out within 6 months of XB2/PS3. I just hope they don't linger on the GCN too long. Nintendo, as big as they are, only have so many staff members.

In 2006, we're going to need lots of new N5/GBA2 games. There can't be any more big droughts.
Guden Oden

When I read the first sentence of your post, just for a moment, I thought you were serious :LOL:

Yeah he probably will say that, no matter how little sense it makes.
Teasy said:
When I read the first sentence of your post, just for a moment, I thought you were serious :LOL:

What makes you think I'm NOT being completely serious?

Look, this is the way it is; as Deadmeat predicted, not only will Nintendo go software-only, they'll actually go out of business too within not too distant a future. Remember, he revealed they'll sign up with Sony for PS3 work, but as we were shown previously, PS3 will be impossible to develop for, basically a dud piece of hardware. Hence, Nintendo's already done for.

People, no everyone, needs to stop listening to deadmenat. He doesn't have any real knowledge about the next gen pltforms or what is going to occur. He's goign to be proven wrong on this, on everyting he's blabbed abotu xbox 2 and PS3.
Sonic said:
Brimstone, Nintendo has only done poorly towards the end of the N64's lifespan and into the GCN. My memory might be a bit poor but I seem to recall Nintendo being more profitable than ever in one of the N64 years.

Just from memory, over the 5 years of N64 life, the total of Nintendo and Sony (console division) profits (not revenue, Sony revenue is much higher) were equal, the difference being that Sony has very big loss followed by big gains, whereas Nintendo is always positive (and Nintendo has big margins on cheap things like GBA). Anyway, the total was more or less the same.

Nintendo profit during the N64 years (also known as the dark ages) were 50% higher thand during the SNES years (also known as the golden ages).

2001 is the best Nintendo year ever in term of profit reaching 1B$ in the US alone (Pokemon craze, GBA launch, GC launch). It was also the fifth year in a row profits were rising, only last year and maybe this year they are lower.