Nice ATI interview

je ne parlez pas françois.

Anyone care to give us french-less villagers the PP 3 bullet points? :?
digitalwanderer said:
Ampèreheure, une autre d'ATi est bonne. :)

Dude, you're gonna blow your reputation with that stuff. People will start expecting you to trade in your deadhead look for a sweater and beret, and upgrade your vitriol.
digitalwanderer said:
Moi ni l'un ni l'autre, mais le babelfish est mon ami. ;)

I didn't get the first part, but if you consider Babelfish your friend, you need better friends, especially ones that make sense. ;)
Tridam, mind if I post a rough translation here, or would you prefer we wait to read it on your site?

BTW, did you conduct this interview in French, or was it translated from English? (ATi may be Canadian, but now that they've integrated ArtX, is English their primary language--or has it always been?)

Edit: Actually, Google translate does a servicable job. But I'd still be willing to translate, if ppl want, though I'm certain there are better bilingual speakers than myself on this board. Whether they have the time or the inclination is the question, though. ;)
Pete said:
(ATi may be Canadian, but now that they've integrated ArtX, is English their primary language--or has it always been?)
English has always been ATI's primary language. By that statement you seem to be under the impression that Canada is French!
Ratchet said:
English has always been ATI's primary language. By that statement you seem to be under the impression that Canada is French!
Yes, just as much as Belgium is French! :rolleyes:
Pete said:
Tridam, mind if I post a rough translation here, or would you prefer we wait to read it on your site?

BTW, did you conduct this interview in French, or was it translated from English? (ATi may be Canadian, but now that they've integrated ArtX, is English their primary language--or has it always been?)

Edit: Actually, Google translate does a servicable job. But I'd still be willing to translate, if ppl want, though I'm certain there are better bilingual speakers than myself on this board. Whether they have the time or the inclination is the question, though. ;)

I conducted this interview in English and it's ready for release in English. However for some reasons we can't release it now.

If you wait next week you'll get the original answers.
Ratchet, I meant it more like I was wondering if the majority of ATi's employees were bilingual. I understand Canada isn't French, but it is bilingual, no? The Barbarian Invasions sounded pretty French to me! :p

Tridam, gotcha. I'll wait.
Canada is supposed to be bilingual but is not, the Western provinces from Saskatchewan to B.C is largely english only. Ontario is where the largest bilingual speaking portion of Canadians are and increase as you head East to Quebec which is of course where French is the primary language.
As you head East towards the Maritimes, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia you will find more Bilingual numbers that way.
Personally I speak a little french, basically enough to get by i.e order a beer etc. French was a required credit in Ontario when I attended school a long time ago, but has since been changed to voluntary.

In other words, about 1/3 the country is bilingual, English is Canada's primary language.
Pete said:
Ratchet, I meant it more like I was wondering if the majority of ATi's employees were bilingual. I understand Canada isn't French, but it is bilingual, no? The Barbarian Invasions sounded pretty French to me! :p

Tridam, gotcha. I'll wait.
They are probably bilingual, but I would expect that being based in Ontario (and not the French province of Quebec) that they would all have English as their primary language, or at least it would be the one they use on a day to day basis.
Virtually nobody in Alberta (where I was born) speaks French FWIW. And most of ATI's research operations are the the USA anyway - Orlando, Boston, Santa Clara. Markham is the only Canadian research center I know of.
Don't forget English :D

I've been to Belgium many times on business, near Antwerp. I was amazed how many languages Belgium citizens speak and how friendly they were too :D
Doomtrooper said:
Don't forget English :D

I've been to Belgium many times on business, near Antwerp. I was amazed how many languages Belgium citizens speak and how friendly they were too :D

Some people speak English (more in the North than in the South) but English is not a Belgian official language.
Pete said:
Ratchet, I meant it more like I was wondering if the majority of ATi's employees were bilingual.

I would guess so, at least of the employees in Canada, but the second language may not neccesarily be french; it could just as well be swedish, russian or chinese.