You can solve almost any problem by throwing money at it.
The solutions used by Microsoft and Sony on current generations consoles are simple, effective and cheap to implement. Throwing RAID at the problem, or putting decompression on GPUs that cost more than a whole console (not your post) is a bit of a mental argument.
If money is no object, I don't doubt that both Microsoft and Sony could design a console architecture with literally no load times. No boot times either.
What money? Anyone gaming on PC is probably doing so with a dedicated GPU, so no added money necessary. That "Raid" card, as noted is just a bog standard low end NV GPU. For consumer gaming purposes you wouldn't need nearly as much GPU power as is used by the GPU that SupremeRAID is using.
The only reason I even mentioned that "Raid" card is that it's an actual released product using a GPU to offload data transfer tasks from the CPU.
And as I mentioned, it's entirely possible that the iGPU on most CPUs (all Intel CPUs and some AMD CPUs) could potentially be leveraged for this.
So, basically Zero additional dollars needed for this. Or in other words no additional money need be thrown at it, well, other than MS needing to spend money to implement it into DirectStorage.