News Corp to buy IGN

Isn't that Rupert "motherfucker" Murdoch's company? *spit* If this is true, and the deal goes through, guess I'll stop going there altogether. Not that I've been there very often anyway over the past three or so years, this would give me the excuse to cut all ties altogether...
Guden Oden said:
Isn't that Rupert "motherfucker" Murdoch's company? *spit* If this is true, and the deal goes through, guess I'll stop going there altogether. Not that I've been there very often anyway over the past three or so years, this would give me the excuse to cut all ties altogether...

What has Murdoch done to upset you so?.
Dr Evil said:
What has Murdoch done to upset you so?.
Quite a lot actually. He's an evil greedy bastard plain and simple. Read up a bit about what kind of a person he is and maybe you'll understand.

People call Bill Gates satan and stuff like that, Bill is peanuts in comparison because Rupert is building an international propaganda empire of a size that is pretty much unrivalled in history to spread his garbage with.
Guden Oden said:
Isn't that Rupert "motherfucker" Murdoch's company? *spit* If this is true, and the deal goes through, guess I'll stop going there altogether. Not that I've been there very often anyway over the past three or so years, this would give me the excuse to cut all ties altogether...
Guden Oden said:
Quite a lot actually. He's an evil greedy bastard plain and simple. Read up a bit about what kind of a person he is and maybe you'll understand.
What about those evil greedy bastards that run the oil industry? I suppose you've had your car locked up in the garage. :D

:cry: [Suddenly realizes with the rising price of gas, might have to switch to peddle power himself.]

Rupert is building an international propaganda empire of a size that is pretty much unrivalled in history to spread his garbage with.

Geez, you're gullible. You should really stop getting all your news from Michael Moore.
Murdoch's "empire" is the only counterbalance to the cooperative propaganda efforts of ABC, NBC, CBS, MTV, CNN, NYT, LAT, (insert dozens of other major media corporations here), etc. You may not like the guy, but your evaluation of media matters is way off base.

And I'm not sure this thread belonged in this forum to begin with.
This one's for Religion + Politics. IGN being bought doesn't have much relevance to Console hardware either.
Yeah, Rupert is right-winger. That pisses a lot of people. Not me, though (I was already called "reactionary" on this site...hahaha). For distinction of other enterprises Rupert`s companies don`t bancrupt. I`ll visit ign.
Riddlewire said:
Geez, you're gullible. You should really stop getting all your news from Michael Moore.
Murdoch's "empire" is the only counterbalance to the cooperative propaganda efforts of ABC, NBC, CBS, MTV, CNN, NYT, LAT, (insert dozens of other major media corporations here), etc. You may not like the guy, but your evaluation of media matters is way off base.

And I'm not sure this thread belonged in this forum to begin with.

People see and hear what they want to see and hear .. works both ways. Half the people think Bush is an idiot, others think he's a genius.
Rupter was a scary man before Michael Moore and after Michael Moore. Any person that has as much power as him (over the media) is a force to be reckoned with. Whatever the agenda may be (which in Rupters case, from what i've seen, a hyping pushing platforms foward for his own well being...agenda). What Guden said is how I feel also.....but what Shifty said is also right..this type of argument belongs in the Religion+Politics+No matter how much you shout your ass off you won't convince anyone of
BlueTsunami said:
Rupter was a scary man before Michael Moore and after Michael Moore. Any person that has as much power as him (over the media) is a force to be reckoned with. Whatever the agenda may be (which in Rupters case, from what i've seen, a hyping pushing platforms foward for his own well being...agenda). What Guden said is how I feel also.....but what Shifty said is also right..this type of argument belongs in the Religion+Politics+No matter how much you shout your ass off you won't convince anyone of

People on both sides are equally passionate, and neither camp is totally right nor totally wrong. There are no conspiracies, only different ideaologies. And such discussions invariably leads to some ugly places, and I agree that its best to just let it go and go back to console discussions.
eDoshin said:
Half the people think Bush is an idiot, others think he's a genius.

Wait, wait, wait ... there are people that think Bush is a genius? I was always under the impression that not even his supporters think that he's very smart.

McFly said:
Wait, wait, wait ... there are people that think Bush is a genius? I was always under the impression that not even his supporters think that he's very smart.


Hello? McFly? Welcome to democracy!
Riddlewire said:
Geez, you're gullible. You should really stop getting all your news from Michael Moore.
Murdoch's "empire" is the only counterbalance to the cooperative propaganda efforts of ABC, NBC, CBS, MTV, CNN, NYT, LAT, (insert dozens of other major media corporations here), etc. You may not like the guy, but your evaluation of media matters is way off base.

And I'm not sure this thread belonged in this forum to begin with.

You're fighting one conspiracy theory with another, and you're calling him gullible?
aldo said:
What about those evil greedy bastards that run the oil industry? I suppose you've had your car locked up in the garage. :D
I don't own a car, and even if I did, I wouldn't know where to fuel it up, as most of the oil companies are absolute horrors when it comes to greedyness. Shell for example wanted to sink one of their spent oilrigs in the north sea, despite it was filled with hundreds (maybe thousands) of tons of oil-infused mud rich with heavy metals and cancerous crap of all kinds because it was cheaper than to tow it in to shore and dismantle it. Well no shit it'd be cheaper! We should have made the shell bigwigs drink that poisonous bile that filled their own rig until their stomachs exploded...

Riddlewire said:
Geez, you're gullible. You should really stop getting all your news from Michael Moore.
I may be gullible, but not AS gullible as the idiot who thinks others get their news from michael moore simply because of a difference in opinion... :rolleyes: FYI, I've never ever viewed a single of moore's documentaries/whatever you want to call them. I saw a TV show with him where he made a ficus plant run for congress against some dude who had no other competition, I found that rather amusing, but not sure if I'm supposed to hate the man because of that show. Maybe you in your all-knowing wisdom can tell me that?

Murdoch's "empire"
If you've checked how many papers, TV and radio stations that guy controls, you wouldn't call it "empire". It IS an empire, if anything is, his is.

is the only counterbalance to the cooperative propaganda efforts of
Murdoch isn't counterbalance to shit. His agenda isn't to balance anything, but to line his own pockets. That's very plain to see.

your evaluation of media matters is way off base.
I haven't evaluated media, I just gave my opinion about murdoch. That's it.
McFly said:
Wait, wait, wait ... there are people that think Bush is a genius? I was always under the impression that not even his supporters think that he's very smart.


Yeah .. a bit of an overstatement by a long mile. He's a good ol' boy .. someone who you can have a beer with. Not exactly the kinda person u want running the country.
eDoshin said:
Yeah .. a bit of an overstatement by a long mile. He's a good ol' boy .. someone who you can have a beer with. Not exactly the kinda person u want running the country.

A beer or a line of cocaine.