Vince, olong product cycles are not always bad: the time Intel and HP spent defining IA-64/EPIC/IPF is showing in the ISA ( quite neat IMHO ) and will help the architecture in the long run...
The same applies to Cell: the years they spent in R&D ( nice 4-5 years [more counting the IBM previous Research on similar projects] ) might mean that they remain fixed in an older mindset compared to people that start from scratch 2 years aftewr the Cell project begun, but their overall approach will end up being cleaner, thoughtful and more future proof than the other as more time was spent in accurate planning of the architecture and not only pushing the performance envelope...
The same applies to Cell: the years they spent in R&D ( nice 4-5 years [more counting the IBM previous Research on similar projects] ) might mean that they remain fixed in an older mindset compared to people that start from scratch 2 years aftewr the Cell project begun, but their overall approach will end up being cleaner, thoughtful and more future proof than the other as more time was spent in accurate planning of the architecture and not only pushing the performance envelope...