New Too Human Pic and Info



To be blunt, the game has come a long way and I am confident that even the most critical players will be really impressed with the results. I write this knowing full well the issues the project showed at E3 and I also state that the majority of those issues have been obliterated. The game runs smoothly now. The camera dynamically follows the action, offering the most cinematic viewpoint. The combat allows for dozens of on-screen enemies. Animations are much more fluid and transitions more natural. And for you tech nuts, Too Human is running with four times anti-aliasing, eight light sources per character, soft shadowing, depth of field blur galore, and much more. The engine will wow you. Some of the in-game models are truly incredible.

Link to pic
I have to say, it's equal parts hilarious and sad that in the eyes of many (including IGN), all that need be present in order to qualify as being a "tech nut" is an interest in knowing what is taking place. (9.6Ghz!) Matt, if you want to do something for the 'nuts,' tell us *how* these things are being achieved! ;)

Anyway nice to see that this game doth yet live; hopefully their upcoming expose will give us a return to gameplay - something the provided pic doesn't really speak to but that certainly sounds rectified.
4x AA pwned by overachieving JPEG compression. Are they really desperate to save that bandwidth or do they just not realize how bad the pictures look?

Anyway, I'm cautiously optimistic about Too Human. I've always thought it had potential, but that's why its E3 showing was so painful. Watching so much potential smothered in so many issues understandably left a bad taste in everyone's mouths.

But hey, like PA said, the Internet is fairly transient. If the coming expose is really impressive, that E3 showing will be a distant and irrelevant memory.
4x AA pwned by overachieving JPEG compression. Are they really desperate to save that bandwidth or do they just not realize how bad the pictures look?

Anyway, I'm cautiously optimistic about Too Human. I've always thought it had potential, but that's why its E3 showing was so painful. Watching so much potential smothered in so many issues understandably left a bad taste in everyone's mouths.

But hey, like PA said, the Internet is fairly transient. If the coming expose is really impressive, that E3 showing will be a distant and irrelevant memory.

Isn't this game using UE3? I am wondering how they got 4xAA with UE3 when supposedly Epic said AA was really hard to do on the 360.
Isn't this game using UE3? I am wondering how they got 4xAA with UE3 when supposedly Epic said AA was really hard to do on the 360.
Epic said UE has very low performance with MSAA on any platform in general, not just 360. SK must have rewritten renderer

There'll be a playable demo of Too Human, so I'll definitely give it a try.
The edges on the foreground guy's head show clear aliasing...

And I wonder how they are managing the depth of field without edge bleeding
Isn't this game using UE3? I am wondering how they got 4xAA with UE3 when supposedly Epic said AA was really hard to do on the 360.

Epic said UE has very low performance with MSAA on any platform in general, not just 360. SK must have rewritten renderer

Yeah, the use of UE3.0 does not preclude the option to develop and use a different method for shadowing or lighting or anything. Just look at UT2004 and compare it to Splinter Cell, both of which use UE2.0 as a basis. It isn't fair to say that using UE3.0 automagically means you cannot use MSAA beit for performance reasons or for factual reasons. The engine is much more than just a graphics renderer.
Isn't this game using UE3? I am wondering how they got 4xAA with UE3 when supposedly Epic said AA was really hard to do on the 360.
Not hard to do. You could do it easily, though it would require a lot more system resources. Deferred shadows run per depth sample, not per color sample. So somehow they got around that.

The edges on the foreground guy's head show clear aliasing...
Yeah, but I'm sure that at least part of that is due to JPEGing. We need a decently compressed image to really see.
SK has essentially torn the UE3 engine to shreds, Denis said somethign to the effect it barely resembles the original engine in some podcast IIRC. That's probably how they managed to include 4xAA.

Anyways, awesome news to hear the game is back on track, this game has always been at the very top of my most anticipated list. The concept is great, the diablo-esque gameplay with action alements sounds ace, and the art style is some of the best I've seen this generation, all together one hell of a package, any semblage of a story will just be bonus. And from what I hear of SK, story will be a strength.
SK has essentially torn the UE3 engine to shreds, Denis said somethign to the effect it barely resembles the original engine in some podcast IIRC. That's probably how they managed to include 4xAA.
I'm glad they're customizing the engine to take advantage of one of the 360's striongest featuyres the powerful antialiasing capability of the GPU.

It always irked me that Epic chose such a dumb way of doing shadows that it conflicted with antialiasing. That's just mismanagement of resources in my opinion and should not be donwe. Especially as the UI engine was destined to be the foundation of so many 360 games.

Everything I read abot the concept of Too Human indicated it could be an awesome game. The inability to ever get it finished has made my resolve in that regard waver quite a bit but if Matt isn't lying through his teeth maybe the project really is on the rifgth track right now!

I look forward to this title with great anticipation.

Personally I'm getting a little fed up with the cock-teasing. Seriously, when you have something to show, show it, don't sit and talk for 10 weeks abotu how amazed we'll be, and be so freakin paranoid you can't release a few screens, or 30 seconds of video during that entire time :devilish:

I have total faith in this game. SK has never let me down on an original IP. Eternal Darkness was one of the best games last generation.
I have total faith in this game. SK has never let me down on an original IP. Eternal Darkness was one of the best games last generation.

I wish SK had as much faith in their own games. Hearing Dennis tell the IGN guy how 'cathartic' the visit was for him, was a little dissapointing to me. Why do you care so much what a handful of people say about your game?

Have faith in it, be confident! Dennis just seems to have taken all the E3 stuff to heart, and is now ultra paranoid (yet pretends he's uber confident) about his game. I think he needs to trust in their abilities and vision, and stop trying to 'sell' us the game.