New star wars trilogy in 2016 ?



To be fair the prequels got progressively better as they went on.... though phantom menace was horrible and the acting was pretty bad through out. But who knows mabye by 2016 special effects will have caught up to what he wanted to do in the original. Of course I'd want someone else to write and direct them... heck i'd go for a cgi starwars movie , the cgi done for The old republic is pretty amazing
The CGI isn't the problem with the prequels, it's the terrible acting, dialogue, direction, plot holes, etc. The best thing to do would be to get Lucas out of it, and have someone like Joss Whedon or Chris Nolan write/direct - they sure can't do any worse.
Chris Nolan's films don't exactly succeed on the strength of their plot ... director maybe. Just adapt the Thrawn trilogy.
Just adapt the Thrawn trilogy.

This. Lucas really needs to get himself out of the screenplay writing and directing. It's pretty clear at this point that the movies have succeeded despite his involvement, not because of it.
Just adapt the Thrawn trilogy.
The Force is strong in this one!

Problem: Find lookalike actors that can play decently.
Solution: Do the film Avatar-style. :oops:

Second problem: When they start cutting the material so it fits a given timeframe, I am sure they are going to rape it.
Solution: Divide the films in two, Harry-Potter-and-the-Deathly-Hallows-style and make even more money. :LOL:
Lucas' last four movies have all been from terrible to mediocre, personally I don't see how either Spielberg or Ford ever could say yes to the crappy Indy 4 script. The only really good thing about it is it fleshes out the Indy character's depth more than we've seen in the past, he feels more real human being and not so one-dimensional action hero-like anymore. The actual plot of the movie's basically a load of crap though.

Jar-Jar Binks and everything related thereto is obviously nothing short of a gigantic fuckup of epic proportions, and a poorly disguised ploy to sell goofy merchandise to kiddies. It's pretty illustrative that the overall quality level of the movies of the second trilogy is inversely proportional to the amount of screentime Jar-Jar receives in each installment... :LOL:

I think it's because Lucas, Spielberg etc have lost their balls. Where once they were brave and daring, they're now grown old and stodgy, instead of pushing the envelope they play it safe and go with the perception of what the marketing department thinks the general public wants, slash, what will sell the most crap in the form of lunch boxes and happy meal toys.
Hollywood seems to have lost it's sanity ... the level of plot inconsistency we are forced to accept in most films nowadays is insane (Episode I is of course the prime example, but even a critically acclaimed movie like Star Trek has a sad excuse for a plot). Almost the best we can hope for in a block buster any more is a lack of annoying characters (please, no more Shia) and something which looks nice.

We could accept Ewoks, we could have accepted Jar Jar ... if the rest of the movie had been good.
have someone like Joss Whedon or Chris Nolan write/direct

[disembodied voice of Obiwan Kenobi]Use the force Luke...
[exterior Death Star trench]Luke Skywalkers' X-wing fighter dodges & weaves, Darth Vaders' TIE fighter closes inevitably
[interior cockpit of Luke Skywalkers' X-wing]
[Luke]I am a leaf on the wind -watch me soar
[exterior Death Star]Blows up

More seriously, edit Jarjar & the majority of the Anikin [wtf sp?] scenes out of Episode 1 & you are left with a whole bunch of mostly awesome stuff, especially the Duel of the Fates sequence which I think is actually my favourite bit of all 6 movies.
[Luke]I am a leaf on the wind -watch me soar
[exterior Death Star]Blows up
There aren't any leaves on Tatooine. It's a DESERT PLANET... :p

you are left with a whole bunch of mostly awesome stuff, especially the Duel of the Fates sequence which I think is actually my favourite bit of all 6 movies.
Edit ALL the anakin stuff out of the movie and basically more than half of it is gone, including most of the Watto stuff, the pod race sequence, the attack on the blockade armada and so on... I really don't annoy myself too much on Anakin, I think the kid actor was pretty good for his age. What irritates me is Lucas making a six-year-old not just an ace pilot, but a wiz mechanic as well. If he'd been, say,'d been a tad more believable.

And, the retcon with that midichlorian shit is obviously just to not offend religious people (that are so easily offended these days), as that's how the force was referred to originally.
WTF? New movies? Not special edition, anakin played by justin bieber, watto shots first, in 3D(!!) re-releases but NEW ACTUAL MOVIES? After Lucas saying countless times there wouldn't be any new movies? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! Did he blow all the money on crack already?

The only thing that can be salvaged from the prequel trilogy is the second half of revenge of the sith (ugg), that's with all the bad acting, contrived dialogue and passable specialFX. If Lucas is serious about this he better stay the f**k away from the director and writer chairs. Even as an executive producer he can fawk this up good. Just leave him out and write him a cheque when the movies are done.

If there's any cudley, furry, funny, family-oriented character in the trailer it's game over.
WTF? New movies? Not special edition, anakin played by justin bieber, watto shots first, in 3D(!!) re-releases but NEW ACTUAL MOVIES? After Lucas saying countless times there wouldn't be any new movies? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! Did he blow all the money on crack already?

The only thing that can be salvaged from the prequel trilogy is the second half of revenge of the sith (ugg), that's with all the bad acting, contrived dialogue and passable specialFX. If Lucas is serious about this he better stay the f**k away from the director and writer chairs. Even as an executive producer he can fawk this up good. Just leave him out and write him a cheque when the movies are done.

If there's any cudley, furry, funny, family-oriented character in the trailer it's game over.

I remember reading an interview with Lucas once around the time of the OT Special Editions. He said he was planning a third trilogy after the second.

So, he keeps changing his mind.

Really, I just wonder how in the hell he'd handle a third trilogy. He's kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place given all those novels, comics, games, etc that take place after the OT.

He basically has three options:

1. Tell the Extended Universe to fuck off, and do whatever he wants.

2. Adapt part of the Extended Universe somehow.

3. Go either way back into the past, or far into the future of the Star Wars universe.

Which do you think he'd pick? I'm torn between 1 and 3. 1 follows the usual pattern of his retconning ways(The tiny bit of info about the PT stuck in the OT contradicts it like crazy), while 3 gives him even more freedom writing wise than he had with the PT. Plus, it keeps the fanboys happy(To an extent, anyway) by not screwing with the established Extended Universe books/comics/etc.

Really, I don't know how much the fanboys drive Lucas' income. They are a very large force, but there's more normal people than fanboys, and of course kids that can buy incredible amounts of toys.

I think Star Wars is getting to the point where Lucas is driving away non-fanboys, but I'm not certain. The PT was, for the most part, wretched, but I don't hear non-fanboys talk about it at all. I don't have any personal anecdotes about normal people disliking it compared to the OT.

*Disclaimer* I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I like the OT a fair bit, but feel ANH is massively overrated, and that AOTC is underrated(It's still not a very good film, but it's not utter trash either. The action scenes "save" it). ESB is a quite decent film, it's been too many years since I've seen ROTJ to rate it, and ROTS is half shit half good, with each half being intertwined with the other half. I dislike the Extended Universe intensely, with the exception of The Force Unleashed(It's a simplistic game, true, but sometimes simplicity is fun).
Can I get the true Episodes 1, 2, 3 please, to replace that piece of shit we were provided with ?

There are only 3 Star Wars movies ever, Episode IV, V and VI, period.

I'm convinced George Lucas isn't the heart & soul of Star Wars, but the team he was working with was.
I think it's best if they set it in the distant past, like KOTOR. Have a lot of the same technology so you can recognize it as Star Wars but how about having it set so far back that people didn't know it was little microscopic organisms that gave you control of the force, it was just assumed to be magic (like the in the original trilogy).

Maybe they could show the first people who learned to use the force and since everybody assumes it's supernatural, they treated like witches and executed. But gradually they fight back, some go on the light side and others on the dark side and basically this shows how the all the mysticism and moral attitudes about the force are formed. To pull this off and keep it interesting would require a competent writer and probably a lot of ret-conning though.
1. Tell the Extended Universe to fuck off, and do whatever he wants.

2. Adapt part of the Extended Universe somehow.

3. Go either way back into the past, or far into the future of the Star Wars universe.

Which do you think he'd pick? I'm torn between 1 and 3.<snip>

I agree with you completely. He's obviously going to choose whatever option will screw more the OT! So that's #3 Past. OTOH, he'll never pass on an opportunity to screw royally with both canon AND fan-fiction so #1 it is!

I know! I got it! I know what George is planning! He's going to make a new trilogy right? One movie is going to be set in the distant past where he retcons the force to being a delicious fruit someone has to eat every hour. The second movie will be between episodes III and IV where a toddler skywalker battles the kindergarden dark side bullies while a certain Darth Vader apprentice (NOT that one - he must screw with those games as well) lays waste to entire space stations while his master watches [strike]in dumbstruck awe[/strike] with pride. The opening teaser for the movie will be:

The third movie will be set after Episode VI with Luke becoming an alcoholic reminiscing about the good old days when he used to sloppy kiss his sister. And then Jar-Jar joins him for a pint.
I agree with you completely. He's obviously going to choose whatever option will screw more the OT! So that's #3 Past. OTOH, he'll never pass on an opportunity to screw royally with both canon AND fan-fiction so #1 it is!

I know! I got it! I know what George is planning! He's going to make a new trilogy right? One movie is going to be set in the distant past where he retcons the force to being a delicious fruit someone has to eat every hour. The second movie will be between episodes III and IV where a toddler skywalker battles the kindergarden dark side bullies while a certain Darth Vader apprentice (NOT that one - he must screw with those games as well) lays waste to entire space stations while his master watches [strike]in dumbstruck awe[/strike] with pride. The opening teaser for the movie will be:

The third movie will be set after Episode VI with Luke becoming an alcoholic reminiscing about the good old days when he used to sloppy kiss his sister. And then Jar-Jar joins him for a pint.

Wow, that's a looooooooooooooooooooooooot of nerd rage.

Thank god I'm not that attached to Star Wars. I once was, but kinda let go after a while. Transformers, PC gaming(And hardware) and console gaming give me enough nerd rage to last me a life time.
After Lucas saying countless times there wouldn't be any new movies?
Did he, I can remember from 1977 (yes Im that old) that there were gonna be 9 films total.

PPL are gonna hate the next statement but
Personally I found the 2nd half of part 3 better than any halfs of 4+5+6. part 6 (the ewoks was just plain crap)

But yes I agree, get lucas in as the executive producer, leave the writing/directing to others
I remember reading an interview with Lucas once around the time of the OT Special Editions. He said he was planning a third trilogy after the second.

So, he keeps changing his mind.

Really, I just wonder how in the hell he'd handle a third trilogy. He's kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place given all those novels, comics, games, etc that take place after the OT.

He basically has three options:

1. Tell the Extended Universe to fuck off, and do whatever he wants.

2. Adapt part of the Extended Universe somehow.

3. Go either way back into the past, or far into the future of the Star Wars universe.

Which do you think he'd pick? I'm torn between 1 and 3. 1 follows the usual pattern of his retconning ways(The tiny bit of info about the PT stuck in the OT contradicts it like crazy), while 3 gives him even more freedom writing wise than he had with the PT. Plus, it keeps the fanboys happy(To an extent, anyway) by not screwing with the established Extended Universe books/comics/etc.

Really, I don't know how much the fanboys drive Lucas' income. They are a very large force, but there's more normal people than fanboys, and of course kids that can buy incredible amounts of toys.

I think Star Wars is getting to the point where Lucas is driving away non-fanboys, but I'm not certain. The PT was, for the most part, wretched, but I don't hear non-fanboys talk about it at all. I don't have any personal anecdotes about normal people disliking it compared to the OT.

*Disclaimer* I'm not a big Star Wars fan. I like the OT a fair bit, but feel ANH is massively overrated, and that AOTC is underrated(It's still not a very good film, but it's not utter trash either. The action scenes "save" it). ESB is a quite decent film, it's been too many years since I've seen ROTJ to rate it, and ROTS is half shit half good, with each half being intertwined with the other half. I dislike the Extended Universe intensely, with the exception of The Force Unleashed(It's a simplistic game, true, but sometimes simplicity is fun).

Lucas has final aproval of everything in the EU so who knows. He might already have made the EU with the new movies in mind.

As for why he might be doing it now... Well by the time this wraps up if the time line is true , he will be really close to 80 years old. Harrison ford will be like 77 in 2016 . So if he wants to do it , it has to be now.

I'm going to guess that the 3d verisons of the past movies is basicly what the extended editions were for the prequels... a test bed to see what he could do with the tech of the time.
Edit ALL the anakin stuff out of the movie and basically more than half of it is gone, including most of the Watto stuff, the pod race sequence, the attack on the blockade armada and so on
I said most.
I generally like the pod race & blockade armada bits too.