new Sonic Team game announced for GC

This is the second game's name in recent memory that I regret I've ever heard. The other one would be that of a shareware adventure game "Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria"

There's nothing worse than having something that was supposed to sound witty, fall flat on it's face because it's been concotted by someone whose sense of humor never developed beyond the early childhood level.

OK, there is one other, perhaps even more horrible thing - and that is when people repeat the end of the joke they just told, hoping that would somehow make it funnier.

Gfx aren't too impressive to say the least but it'll be interesting to learn more about it. Eventhough I've never been a fan of Sonic it's a big deal when one of the true legends makes a new game.
This is the second game's name in recent memory that I regret I've ever heard. The other one would be that of a shareware adventure game "Gilbert Goodmate and the Mushroom of Phungoria"

There's nothing worse than having something that was supposed to sound witty, fall flat on it's face because it's been concotted by someone whose sense of humor never developed beyond the early childhood level.
No way... "Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg" is hardly trying to sound witty. It's charming in a children's fairytale way.

Ironically, the two most regrettable names I've heard in recent memory are both platformers coming from Sony - "Jak and Daxter", and "Ratchet and Clank" (not to leave out their apparent inspiration, "Banjo Kazooie", of course). Now that is phonetics at its ugliest. Just repeating their clumsy names makes me feel oafish. Who could possibly think something like that up? Perhaps more horrifying, someone had to actually approve the idea! What kind of professionals could work at a respected company and not raise serious objections to those, I also have to wonder?
cybamerc said:
Gfx aren't too impressive to say the least

Oh, so you can judge the game immediately on basis of four or five very small, cropped, SCANNED screenshots, huh? (Insert grid of 56 rolleyes)

Yeah RIGHT! Get the f outta here.

Last videogames, involving eggs that I like was Yoshi, hope this one would be as good especially coming from Sonic Team (high expectation) :).
Now that is phonetics at its ugliest. Just repeating their clumsy names makes me feel oafish.
I think they wanted the names to sound clunky and clumsy. That kind of naming was not very common up to that point (Banjo was the only one I can think of) so they probably thought it would help them sound different and be more noted.

No way... "Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg" is hardly trying to sound witty. It's charming in a children's fairytale way.
Perhaps. Maybe I was expecting something a bit edgier from Sonic Team, considering that after all these years, 'Sonic' and 'Nights' still sound pretty damn cool.