OpenGL Guy,
I was hoping you could give us the inside perspective on the issue Carmack described in his .plan update back in February. Specifically, the unexpectedly low performance in a high poly count scene that may or may not be a hardware issue:
February 11, 2002
A high polygon count scene that was more representative of real game graphics under heavy load gave a surprising result. I was expecting ATI to clobber Nvidia here due to the much lower triangle count and MUCH lower state change functional overhead from the single pass interaction rendering, but they came out slower. ATI has identified an issue that is likely causing the unexpected performance, but it may not be something that can be worked around on current hardware.
Some people came to associate what he said with the low performance under GLExcess test #6 (I think), another high poly count test, which we all remember as the infamous "high poly count bug." That issue was fixed with a driver update, but I don't think we can safely make the assumption that this was the same problem, and was thus actually fixed.
I've asked
Reverend to ask JC, but I'd be interested what you might know about it as well, especially on whether this is something that has been fixed, will be fixed, or is "unfixable."