New Prey HD Video

About the frame rate issues, that seemed like the Pc version (i'm sure i saw an mouse icon there). Maybe the 360's version is more stable at this aspect.
NucNavST3 said:
Seems like I have been waiting for Prey about as long as I have been waiting for Duke Nukem Forever...PUN INTENDED!

Well, maybe not quite that long, but it sure as hell feels like it.

No youre right, its been quite awhile. I think the only distinction between the 2 is that I believe Prey was actually put on hold for awhile during that time whereas DNF has been in constant development for 6 years or so.
expletive said:
Framerate looks a little spotty at times which concerns me but they have a few more months before release to hopefully iron that out.

This was taken on a PC...the reason the framerate is a bit jerky at times is because they recorded the video with Fraps. They said something about getting faster hard-drives to improve the video framerate in the next videos (I'm not sure why they don't just use a second computer with a video capture card).

NucNavST3 said:
Seems like I have been waiting for Prey about as long as I have been waiting for Duke Nukem Forever...PUN INTENDED!

Well, maybe not quite that long, but it sure as hell feels like it.

Longer actually. In fact, Prey screenshots were included with Duke Nukem 3D. Although the current version has only been in development since 2001.