new London attacks?

Powderkeg said:
The problem is their chemist is in Egypt
Authorities in egypt have denied the BIOchemist had anything to do with the bombs. And considering the proficiency they have in the use of torture on prisoners, one has to assume they've interrogated him VEEEERY thoroughly... :devilish:

May not have been 'dummy' attacks ...

"Three of the devices are the same size and weight as those used for the 7 July London bombings. The same chemicals also appear to have been used."

"As on 7 July, the bombs are believed to have been carried in rucksacks. Three are thought to have been of a similar size to the previous bombs, while the fourth was smaller and appeared to have been contained in a plastic box.

It is thought the detonators went off, causing small blasts, but failed to detonate the bombs themselves. The bombers managed to flee. "

"Some said the attackers seemed "scared" or "surprised" when their bombs failed to explode properly.

Oval attack witness Kate Reid describe hearing a "pop" as if a big balloon had burst before seeing a young, dark-skinned man with a bag at his feet looking "really scared". "

"There is one report of a suspect trying to use a handgun to detonate explosives in a rucksack"
Gerry said:
Looks like we were very, very lucky this time.

I only hope we catch the SOBs as soon as possible.

Mmm... 4 bombs failing to detonate properly... I dont call that "luck". I call that "stupidity" on the part of whoever made the bombs. He obviously made a booboo somewhere and the things didn't work.

What worries me is that someone was ready to kill again only 2 weeks after the last blitz. Now THAT is worrying, cause it means it's going to happen again soon, and next time the guy will read the instructions properly and the idiots will kill a lot of people. Again.

Well, if i needed a real reason to move city.......
From BBC:
"I saw an Asian guy run onto the train hotly pursued by three plain-clothes police officers.

"One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him.

Errr... That's assassination worth of the Mafia. Highly doubtful the police would do something like that. We're not in Texas afterall.
london-boy said:
Errr... That's assassination worth of the Mafia. Highly doubtful the police would do something like that. We're not in Texas afterall.

I dunno, how else should they deal with someone who might be a suicide bomber in a crowded tube station?
nutball said:
london-boy said:
Errr... That's assassination worth of the Mafia. Highly doubtful the police would do something like that. We're not in Texas afterall.

I dunno, how else should they deal with someone who might be a suicide bomber in a crowded tube station?

Well if they really pushed him to the floor and jumped on him, i don't see how shooting him 5 times would be needed. We don't know the dynamics obviously but it does sound a bit strange to me.

The BBC is probably picking up passengers coming out of the station, getting their story, which is bound to be warped anyway.
nutball said:
london-boy said:
Errr... That's assassination worth of the Mafia. Highly doubtful the police would do something like that. We're not in Texas afterall.

I dunno, how else should they deal with someone who might be a suicide bomber in a crowded tube station?
exactly. a press of a button and there goes everyone around him.

epicstruggle said:
nutball said:
london-boy said:
Errr... That's assassination worth of the Mafia. Highly doubtful the police would do something like that. We're not in Texas afterall.

I dunno, how else should they deal with someone who might be a suicide bomber in a crowded tube station?
exactly. a press of a button and there goes everyone around him.


Did the guy have a bomb on him?! another one? today?
london-boy said:
epicstruggle said:
nutball said:
london-boy said:
Errr... That's assassination worth of the Mafia. Highly doubtful the police would do something like that. We're not in Texas afterall.

I dunno, how else should they deal with someone who might be a suicide bomber in a crowded tube station?
exactly. a press of a button and there goes everyone around him.


Did the guy have a bomb on him?! another one? today?
How often do police shoot someone in the UK, rarely right? I think its safe to assume that police were following this person and when it looked like he might be a suicide bomber, they took action before he could detonate his bomb. Now, this is just speculation on my part, but im pretty sure the police over there rarely ever even carry firearms.

nutball said:
I dunno, how else should they deal with someone who might be a suicide bomber in a crowded tube station?
Dunno, but shooting someone mutiple times doesn't seem the safest way to deal with someone carrying explosives.
Sky News Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt said: "The officer or officers involved in this clearly felt this suspect was about to detonate a bomb."

Police have been given orders to shoot to kill if they believe someone is about to detonate a bomb.

I must agree with Dildo here. I wouldn't shoot someone with bombs. Though i'm sure they know better.
In the end you know what shooting a muslim guy means, right?

If he's the wrong guy, that means more bombs in retaliation.

If he's the right guy, that means more bombs in retaliation.
Depends on the explosives in question I think. All in all if it's a toss-up between a certain explosion at the hands of the bomber and the chance of an explosion due to the shooting, the chance is better than the certainty.