New Killzone Info!

Killzone was no better than red faction or the EA bond games.The fact that some sony fans are digging to find some qualities in that game doesn't make it better than what it was,overhyped trash.

Red faction compared to EA bond and Killzone :LOL: .
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I hope this title turns out good. Not because im that interested in KZ2 but because its a Dutch studio (though I doubt they have alot of Dutch employees) and im Dutch too and for the rest we only have crap studios like davilex making crap like A2 racer (je hebt extra bezine!).
no base? wander into any thread posting simple screenshots of a game and marvel at the many predctions of how good, amazing, anticipated the game is going to be based on pixel count alone. Games have and will continue to sell on their engine alone because many people really are that easy to please. To deny that is just dumb.

I've always found the Halo series nothing more then a basic FPS with a cheasy story stolen straight from a weekend B-Sci-Fi flick, yet look at the HUGE hype around the title not to mention the A++++ reviews. Much of that hype is born from the graphics, even look at the early halo threads here. I believe theres one where someone felt the need to start a thread saying Halo 3 didnt look interesting because the game isnt up to his visual standards. Yep, it really is that simple. Super sexy over the top looking game + marketing machine = A+ title.


We all want Killzone to look like the trailer. If it does we dont care about the gameplay (more or less). It worked for Gears of War, and look at the blase reaction to Halo 3 based on it's not pretty enough..
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I didn't play the game much, but from my personal experience its gameplay is as good as graphics.

I'm not saying the Gears gameplay is bad. I'm saying it became hugely hyped on graphics alone for the most would Killzone that looks anywhere near the CGI...
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if Killzone really looked the same as the trailer, personally i find paying $999AU will be more than justifyable for a ps3.
I hope this title turns out good. Not because im that interested in KZ2 but because its a Dutch studio (though I doubt they have alot of Dutch employees) and im Dutch too and for the rest we only have crap studios like davilex making crap like A2 racer (je hebt extra bezine!).

most of the team is still there as far as i know and je moet al trots wezen op guerrilla want killzone liberation is tering goede spel, desondanks paar dingen die ze echt moesten anders doen inclusief online al vanaf eerste dag aanwezig te hebben.
I believe theres one where someone felt the need to start a thread saying Halo 3 didnt look interesting because the game isnt up to his visual standards.

Let me help you with this one since I am the OP of the thread you referenced... The "visual standards" werent mine, they were the visual standards laid out by the Halo 3 team when they released the original trailer (which I referenced).

Just to refresh you:

"Graphically, the game follows closely in the tradition of Halo 2, although obviously upgraded to take advantage of the Xbox 360's more prodigious visual abilities," reads Bungie's site. "As art director Marcus Lehto explains, 'It was intended to be an understated announce of Halo 3 -- the tone is that of mystery and suspense -- the calm before the storm. I wanted to make sure that we re-introduced the Chief, show that Earth is thoroughly conquered, with Covenant everywhere, and that there is a glorious, ancient artifact buried under the Earth's crust which will provide H3 with the epic journey which we all want.'"

Master Chief stops walking and the camera lowers, pointing up at one of two remaining Spartan soldiers, giving you the chance to eye all of the incredible detail from the new, next-generation super soldier. The lighting system is now global, meaning that the lighting comes from one single source, like us real-life humans experience every day, and you can see how it glimmers off the visor on Master Chief's helmet and the gritty beaten armor. You can see distinct reflections of objects in the visor -- big and small.

We flew them around the environment, flew out over the Forerunner structure, did a close-up of the Chief to show the realtime reflection of the visor (you could see the ammo counter running down in his faceplate) and showed off the unified lighting model we're using - particularly how other surfaces, such as sand, reflect light back up onto his armor . Frame rate was silky smooth, but to be fair, that was basically an empty environment with the Chief in it. However, we're obviously trying to make our finished game silky smooth too

Personally I am fond of the draw distance and the detail PRT lighting on the Chief. But then I'm party to some graphical features that you haven't seen yet, that sort of blow that stuff away.

The sand, dust, smoke and other effects are all from the game engine. They will be used in the game. The landscape you saw is real geometry - the mountains and city in the distance are not a skybox - they are actual geometry that you can go to . Our cut scenes and our gameplay will be very comparable. Also, CJ Cowan, our director of cinematics, says that the texture "pop" seen in Halo 2's cinematics has already gone bye-bye for Halo 3.

All the hocus pocus they talked about in that interview, I did not necessarily "see" in the newest photos of the game as opposed to what I thought they had up in running based on the realtime trailer from x06....and it just didn't impress the trailer did... to add, Halo is not even on my list 2007 games I even want because I DONT PLAY FPSES.

The Forza 2 thread is based on the same issue of expectations versus (what appears to be) the damning reality that it may not look as good as described by the development team. Any other references I can hep you with? ;)
You didn't see the hocus pocus because Bungie was clear to say the stuff shown to the press was FAR from finished. The press reiterated this. I think you may have forgot that.
You didn't see the hocus pocus because Bungie was clear to say the stuff shown to the press was FAR from finished. The press reiterated this. I think you may have forgot that.

I understood that. I just hoped to see something closer to the trailer than what they bothered to show...

my original post just said "I can really say "meh" to all these new screens..."

On the second page after everyone elses conjectures I stated

"I guess for me, i'm not really liking how they are promoting and showing off the game.... AFter an awesome trailer I have questions as to why they bother distributing these lame photo shots at all, or why in heaven's name they would have an open public beta of MP somewhere between 6 and 8 months before launch. This is supposed to be Halo after all... better that they keep quiet and spring something spectacular on us rather than this."

I think all those points are valid. But this thread is about Killzone not Halo or why those Halo shots didnt impress me. As far as killzone is concerned... it would be awesome if they could pull of a substantial approximation of the trailer... but I doubt they will. Either they wont or Killzone will be a 40-50 million game!
Not to mention all the screens were from multiplayer IIRC (which uses a different subset of the engine and will require different optimizations). We haven't seen anything really from the single player portion and it still has a long way to go.
Red faction compared to EA bond and Killzone :LOL: . faction

Yeah it's not fair to compare red faction with killzone,i agree.
Oh and GoW has had better(although better is not the right terms,not even comparable is better) reviews because it is an amasing game ,not because it has great graphics(they do help though).Killzone was a horrible game with ugly graphics and no ammount of digging can change that.

Anyway some people are even hyped for a Getaway sequel so there must be some magic in every horrible sony published game.I bet that this magic comes from the name of the publisher.

When it comes to last gen fps Killzone was at the bottom of the barrel,no question about that.
I guess people who were only playing ps2 fps would find killzone mediocre-looking instead of horrible looking all that while running at 10-15 fps.
Yep, it really is that simple. Super sexy over the top looking game + marketing machine = A+ title.

Nonsense. You forgot the most important part, amazing, fun, exciting, adrenelin pumping gameplay.

To suggest Halo's success is due to GFX and marketing is pretty silly. The game didn't have alot of hype when it first released, sales weren't even that great. Hype grew as word of mouth spread, which was mainly due to teh awesome gameplay.

First time I saw Halo, was also the same time I saw an XBOX, over at a party at a friends house, I picked up that controller and was hooked for 3 hours straight, as soon as you played it you knew it was something special.

Funny enough, I was actually playing Red Faction at the time and thought it was pretty cool. After playing Halo, I never played Red Faction again, and my PS2 was sold weeks later, Halo was just on another level than anything else out at the time.
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Anyway Halo3,even if it has mediocre graphics(which i think it won't,esp. in single player) will make killzone2 obselete before it releases.

I thought KZ on the PSP was KZ2 and PS3 KZ is KZ3?

And thats a pretty bold statment IMO, KZ was held back by the old PS2 hardware, the new KZ wont be :)
I thought KZ on the PSP was KZ2 and PS3 KZ is KZ3?

And thats a pretty bold statment IMO, KZ was held back by the old PS2 hardware, the new KZ wont be :)

Sure didnt stop the ICO team or the Kojima Team or David Jaffe's team... I think it was just GG that got in the way.