New kids on the block


Mostly Harmless
Saw this new site mentioned elsewhere today:

FM spreading out.

Our vision is to become number one advisor site in PC gaming purchase and usage matters globally.

Our mission is to increase growth within the IT and especially game industry by helping end users with unique products and services to select optimal PC and mobile products.

Add value to our customers’ businesses
Exceptional personnel motivation and enthusiasm
Superiority of our content and services
Maintain healthy profitability and growth rates

That's an interesting approach. When your value is "add value to our customers' businesses" by becoming "number one advisor site in PC gaming purchase and usage matters globally." One might wonder if they're trying to serve two masters there that won't always have the same best interests. Or maybe a bit different wording would be better.

It seems to me there's a name there that looks vaguely familiar! Congrats to Neeyik for the title upgrade! :smile:
When your value is "add value to our customers' businesses" by becoming "number one advisor site in PC gaming purchase and usage matters globally." One might wonder if they're trying to serve two masters there that won't always have the same best interests.
And that's different from the business model, usage and implications of 3DMark over the years; exactly how? :devilish:

Seriously, though, I'll just echo this: "Congrats to Neeyik for the title upgrade!" :smile:
Thanks chaps and thanks for posting this Geo - we're only a gaming site so it means a lot to me that you'd flag us up. I'm no marketing person but I suspect the "adds value to our customers' businesses" comment refers to the fact that we're at least pointing out what benefit it might be to go with a shiny new piece of kit. I'm not going to say we're perfect or anything like that but we'll be making false recommendations over my dead body.
I'm not going to say we're perfect or anything like that but we'll be making false recommendations over my dead body.

Heh. Nothing less than what I'd expect from you, Nick. Best wishes, etc. :smile:
We wish you the best of luck, Nick :D We miss you around this place, FM are lucky to have nabbed you. Sorry I couldn't meet you out at GDC, or discuss that other thing about that other thing ;)

The site looks good, one for the bookmarks list methinks :smile:
I'm sure these are exciting times for you Nick -- I'd always known you really were torn between hardware and software :devilish: :) . I wish you the best (and, whether you believe it or not, I might add).

Can you tell us a little more about your (almost-all-Norwegian, I think) editorial team? Also, you are effectively a paid FM staff, I assume?
Thanks, Rev - it was initially quite difficult to mentally switch from just graphics card to the whole shebang, but it's been worth it. The editorial team is actually quite global - the two main writers are based in Finland, but we have additional writers in the UK, Italy, Norway and the US. And yes, I'm FM staff but I represent YouGamers only.
You got a really good and experienced italian writer in the team.
Wish you good luck :)
Well, the problem with that post, really, is that there are no "ex-Illuminati". Nick's just "Illuminati Emeritus" now. ;) "ex alumni" doesn't really work, does it?
I see no issue with my horrible wordsmithery, you cads!
"ex alumni" doesn't really work, does it?
Well, no, now that you mention it, it does sound a bit redundantly superfluous. And come to think of it, didn’t Dave get exported overseas coincidently close to that whole merger thingy?

The Illuminati it is then.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just go find Digi to get fitted for my tinfoil hat and forget I ever mentioned anything about [strike]shadowy conspiracies[/strike] kittens playing with a ball of yarn. :p
We didn't like the millions of other possibilities....not to mention you'd be surprised on just how few "good" domains are available.