New HL2 survey

I'm beginning to wonder why do they even bother releasing the SuperHyperUltraDiamondLimitedEdition versions at the price they get released, if just a couple of geeks will buy them. Can't they just focus on making the most out of what they know everyone will be able to afford? And keep the fastest version for themselves until they can release them at a decent price? I mean, only a FOOL will buy a 400 quid video card which runs today's games no better than a 200 quid one, only at a marginal difference in framerate. Everyone waits until the Uber version is cheaper. so, why not just wait and release it at a decent price? Cause releasing a card with a 400 quid price tag is a joke.
We're not talking about professional cards, which i agree should be released at whatever price since companies will need all the power they want, but GAMING cards... at 400 quid a go... it's a joke.
london-boy said:
I'm beginning to wonder why do they even bother releasing the SuperHyperUltraDiamondLimitedEdition versions at the price they get released, if just a couple of geeks will buy them. Can't they just focus on making the most out of what they know everyone will be able to afford? And keep the fastest version for themselves until they can release them at a decent price? I mean, only a FOOL will buy a 400 quid video card which runs today's games no better than a 200 quid one, only at a marginal difference in framerate. Everyone waits until the Uber version is cheaper. so, why not just wait and release it at a decent price? Cause releasing a card with a 400 quid price tag is a joke.
We're not talking about professional cards, which i agree should be released at whatever price since companies will need all the power they want, but GAMING cards... at 400 quid a go... it's a joke.
The big reason to go for the "Uber" card is for the screen res. If you do not have a 19in LCD or a 21in CRT then you will not get the full value from a 400/500$ card.l Then the amount of RAM being 256mb is for highest IQ that 128mb cant even begin to use well. For me the Uber cards are realy for the older games that your old Uber card didnt run all that good.