John Reynolds

Ecce homo
The base was closed today since it's a federal holiday and the nice UPS man brought me my P4 3.06 that I ordered last week as an early B-day gift to myself. I love simple upgrades like this, and swapping my old P4 2.4B out took probably 5 minutes since I'd already flashed my mobo's BIOS last weekend.

Anyways, it's a nice little, noticeable performance boost in the games I've played so far today: UT2003, Mafia (yes, still haven't finished this one, though I am finally on the last mission), ToEE (a study in how to publish unoptimized and untested code), Max Payne 2, and DAoC. And this should hold me over through next year since I have 1GB of RAM installed, though I may cash in one of Megan's savings bonds for a NV40 or R420 next year. :oops:
im really debating whether to upgrade the cpu on my intel machine or just building a whole new system and using the old machine as a linux server. i think my current mobo maxes out at 3.06 and i currently have a 2.4 ghz. how much of a performance difference do you see.

Saem said:
You gotten the ToEE patch? Any improvements?

I bought the game the day it came out but didn't play it since the bugs scared me off, so I really can't comment on the differences pre- and post-patch.

One thing is that the new stock fan has a slightly louder pitch to it, just enough for me to notice. Makes me crank the Klipschs up another notch, which doesn't make the wife happy.

Sold the old P4 to a work buddy.
Time for some sound proofing... divits would be a good start.

BTW, I was wrong about the patch, there is a player made one which fixes a fair bit of issues. God that game is great, if only it had multiplayer.

I'm likely getting the new dungeon siege game, might suck less. They've really spiffed it up to what dungeon siege should orginally have been.
I'm loving ToEE now that it's patched. I haven't been into a game this much since Baldur's Gate 2. Part of it is probably nostagia since friends and I played the module back in 85/86.
Speak of the devil.

A friend and I are playing through BGII together, both of use are new to the BG series. We couldn't get a hold of BGI, so we went for two instead. We're both folks that have trouble playing single player games, that applies to me moreso than him -- it's a social activity for me.