I got a $100 off 360 deal!

Probably more likely that they have a marketing slush fund being built up which may include thing like running certain posters / stands, or positioning on the shop floor etc. That marketing money then goes back into the store to allow them to run certain deals on the hardware & software such that overall they are shifting units and still not loosing money over it.
The difference between condoned and supported that you are hinting at is obvious to all of us, and I'm sure you can figure out what I was trying to get at. And who is betting on a 360 price drop in the spring? Lets see your sources, because it is news to me.

If the difference between condoned and supported is so obvious why did you lump them together as one in the same? I know exactly what you were trying to get at, and there's no evidence to support that.

As far as those betting on the 360 price drop in spring, read the forums.

Isn't good posting behavior. Its his money, and he seems to be very happy.

On the contrary. What isn't good posting behavior is attacking another user by telling them to 'go take a marketing class' for simply pointing how useful and productive the rebates/gift cards were proving to be.

Here's some perspective: He wanted an extra controller and some games, but couldn't afford it with the base system already costing $400. Now that it is $100 cheaper he feels he can afford it, and doesn't want to pass up on the 25% reduction in price.

You seem to be the only one here that is implying that AzBat got 'swindled' or is 'an idiot and got tricked' or somehow is unable to control his own actions and was fooled into doing something he otherwise wouldn't have done because he didn't understand the consequences of his own actions.

I don't know where your anger at marketing techniques, bundles, rebates, or anything else comes from.
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Exactly. I was planning on spending $400 for the system and 2 games before the gift, but like I said provided I had the money.

Tommy McClain

So the bottom line is that the $100 gift card prompted you to spend more than you would have normally by purchasing an extra controller and recharge kit, correct?

The end result is that by giving you $100 gift card, more 360 products were moved off the shelves, yes?
I was told the $50 Walmart gift card which I mentioned last week was not being funded by MS.

Exactly. I've seen no evidence, firm or anecdotal, that MS is in anyway "behind" these rebates. Conspiracy theories that MS is going to somehow 'refund' the stores for these rebates after they publically announce a price cut in Spring haven't the slightest evidence to support them.

Seeing as they pay $380 for the premium console, that is more like a $30 gift card. Considering they are very likely to buy 1-3 games, an extra controller, maybe Xbox Live, and so forth, it could be a nice profit for Walmart.

Depending on what the person usings the gift card for, I'd agree with your statement and maybe even moreso. Remember: while most will use the card on more 360 accessories, not everybody will. Some will use it to buy products that have even higher margins.

However, even if the gift card is used entirely on 360 accessories, I've seen untold number of messages on here complaining about the high price of those accessories. That price includes profit for MS, but also (I would assume) for the vendor. I think its entirely possible that vendors are actually profiting from the gift cards, and no "MS is secretly funding these rebates" conspiracy is required.
So the bottom line is that the $100 gift card prompted you to spend more than you would have normally by purchasing an extra controller and recharge kit, correct?

The end result is that by giving you $100 gift card, more 360 products were moved off the shelves, yes?

Yes. The gift card allowed me to feel better about spending more money on accessories. I would have eventually bought them anyway, but not at the time of purchasing the system.

Tommy McClain
Just saw the Core 360 selling for NZ $450 today, including arcade unplugged.

What makes this *really* interesting, is the Wii just came out, and it's $500nz.

Interesting times.

* ohh and the PS3, when it gets here, will be $1200 :p - So a PS3 with a game, or 3 core 360s... :p