New Bioshock Trailer (6 min)

I don't think it has a generic enough appeal to become game of the year, to be honest. In that sense it relates to the likes of Gears of War a bit like Heretic or Hexen related to Doom. But I applaud their approach, sense of style, art direction and gameplay ambition. If anything it suggests that we are starting to enter the realm where graphics are getting so good they become a matter of taste over appreciation of technical merit. Not that one will cancel out the other completely, but they will become more balanced similar to as they are now in film making.

It's release date is now slated for late August, right? I'd guess the PS3 version would come a little later, but not that much has been said about it yet afaik. Sadly enough, it doesn't look like it's a game I will enjoy.
PS3 version hasn't been announced.

It's one of the most anticipated games for me. Irrational certainly are doing incredible job on art direction and game's atmosphere. Main character is in the video quite skilled, so I think it's set later in the game and duels with big daddies will be quite incredible especially in the beginning, because it took so much work and time to kill the guy in this footage.

I could imagine that Killzone fans won't like Bioshock, but we System Shock 2 and Deus Ex veterans will be in gaming heaven:D
Oops, you're right. The Dutch Official Playstation Magazine actually did a preview of Bioshock, but subsequently plans for a PS3 version were denied by its publisher ...
Instant Game of the Year.
I certainly wouldn't be too surprised if so. The only drawbacks I see are the aweful tearing (which will probably be fixed) and the limited appeal of a serious, mature game (which is not broken and will not be changed). I can definitely see this game having a Deus Ex-like effect on the game industry where the industry values the game WAY higher than the public does.

You think you've played mature video games and then you see something like that. Truly gripping on both an emotional and intellectual level.
Don't know what engine they use but clearly it gives me the updated Doom3 engine vibe. Nice animations (the scripted ones) and the gameplay seems al little slow. Pretty good.
Truly gripping on both an emotional and intellectual level.

Maybe it's just me but I fail to see any intellectual aspects being displayed in this game. I wouldn't fall for the marketing speak from the narrator who says something like "..make meaningful and mature choices...".
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Don't know what engine they use but clearly it gives me the updated Doom3 engine vibe. Nice animations (the scripted ones) and the gameplay seems al little slow. Pretty good.

Its a modified UE2.5(with some UE3 aspects in it) iirc...

Maybe it's just me but I fail to see any intellectual aspects being displayed in this game. I wouldn't fall for the marketing speak from the narrator who says something like "..make meaningful and mature choices...".

Plasmids, IMO, falls under the "intellectual aspects" of the game. Its one thing to just run and gun or use plasmids, but using a certain kind of plasmid on certain types of scenarios(like the one shown in the video), takes abit more thinking strategy than people normally would do.

We've only seen so little of this game, and I can only imagine what other thought provoking ways people would do when this game ships :smile:

Or, could it be I just misunderstood your question? ;)
Thanks man!

Wow that is really impressive, both visually and interactively. But it looks like plasmids will take some trial and error to use effectively.
Maybe it's just me but I fail to see any intellectual aspects being displayed in this game. I wouldn't fall for the marketing speak from the narrator who says something like "..make meaningful and mature choices...".

Have you read anything about this game before making a comment like that? You really should - you're missing out on a fantastically designed universe. A Fountainhead-inspired Utopia gone wrong. I actually can't think of a more intellectual game out there today than one which is a social commentary on capitalism.
Maybe it's just me but I fail to see any intellectual aspects being displayed in this game. I wouldn't fall for the marketing speak from the narrator who says something like "..make meaningful and mature choices...".
I wasn't going on marketing speech.

All I mean is that the game challenges you to think. And it's not a social commentary on capitalism. It's a commentary on extremism as Levine has stated multiple times.

Maybe you just don't know enough about the game.
Have you read anything about this game before making a comment like that? You really should - you're missing out on a fantastically designed universe. A Fountainhead-inspired Utopia gone wrong. I actually can't think of a more intellectual game out there today than one which is a social commentary on capitalism.

Not quite, if anything, it is a criticism of extremism. Some of the Bioshock guys themselves seem to be libertarians and certainly not anticapitalist. Historically, anytime someone tried to build a Utopia based around an "ism", it was a disaster, because people can't live within rigid fundamentalist extremes for long, there's too much diversity in human preference.

Objectivists of the Ayn Rand stripe are too dogmatic, too extreme in their thinking. There's a single, logical, correct answer for everything. Whether it's economics, or the kind of Porno you should like, apparently, it can be deduced from first principles of logic.

Libertarians for a long time have dreamed of buying an island, or building a lunar colony, and running it according to principles of social and economic liberty, but it is unlikely libertarians could ever agree on precisely what the rules would be, even if they could afford to carry it out, moreover, the fact of the matter is, most people lack the interest to drop out of society and form a new one.

There's a name for people who do that: Cultists, and it's no wonder that there appears to be little difference between religious fundamentalist cults, and communist utopias, because you can't really get people to act according to the rules of Utopia unless a) They are True Believers (fundamentalists) or b) You beat them down (violence or force). I don't know any any attempts to ever make a "Capitalist Utopia" or "Meritocracy" since in the former, people generally don't have aligned/unified ideas, and in the latter, someone has to build the Utopia, e.g. non-Elites, and why would they want to move to a "utopia" to help build it for Elites, when in a non-pure-Meritocracy system, they are better off?
This just game just looks fantastik from almost any aspect. No doubt, technically speaking the graphics are not the king of the hill or even close but I still find them very beatifull and taken together with the truelly amazing art, the atmosphere, that setting, that gameplay it becomes a packet that I find very hard to resist.

I can see this game not being that much of a success though, I think it is a bit too "deep" and I don't think it will be the kind of pick up and play for a few minutes game, but I hope I am wrong. I just soo wish it comes out before summer...