Negative Fan-boy-ism Article


This article was published on Sony's blog,

What do you think? Do you agree that negative fanboyism has become a huge pain in the ass on the web? (Beyond3D excluded.. the main reason I joined was because none of that rubbish goes on here :D ) But look at the 'main' gaming sites - are you happy with the state they're in? Should they be doing more/do they have a duty to represent the industry in a better light?

Original article and comments here:

Negative Fanboyism - time to give it the boot?

It’s human nature to favour the things we admire most in life, whether it’s a particular make of car, a rock band, a certain operating system or a football team. Most of us are fanboys of something or other, even if we don’t always admit it. And there’s nothing really wrong with that. After all, it’s only a positive thing, and something companies fight hardest for - brand loyalty, the holy grail of marketing.

The gaming community has often been the setting for fierce brand loyalty – largely, it has to be said, dictated by sheer economics (let’s be honest, not everyone can afford to own all of the next-gen consoles at the same time). Over recent years, this has turned the market into an increasingly tribal arena, giving birth to what we now see on almost every gaming site you go on, ‘negative fanboyism’.

Where trolling was once an easy-to-spot irritant of community sites, today’s disruptors are somewhat more insidious, sheltering under the guise of ‘genuinely interested’. It may take several posts, but sooner or later, their agenda becomes apparent: to berate a particular system.

Not content with being fans of their preferred system, negative fanboys have an innate desire to continually attack other systems at every given opportunity, albeit under the guise of opinion/concern/interest. Of course by them pretending to be genuinely interested, there’s not much that can be done about it.

Well, not quite. A new generation of gaming websites is beginning to surface, where negative fanboyism is identified, isolated and locked up. This is what I aim to achieve with a new site,

The concept is very simple. The site revolves around the idea of clubs, if you’re a fan of a particular system, you join its club. If not, you don’t. This not only helps prevent the crossover from one system’s fans to another, but makes it much easier to spot negative fanboys.

So will we see more sites that take on board these values? Yes and no.

You see, one thing that negative fanboyism is good for is generating traffic and post counts. Loyal fans can’t help but defend their preferred systems, and sometimes inadvertently end up looking like negative fanboys themselves. This leads others who originally stayed off the thread to get involved to defend their system. And so it perpetuates.

Sadly, many webmasters love it. It means more page impressions, which means more ad impressions, which means more revenue! So don’t expect the major players to put their foot down anytime soon. Ironically, those who are funding this negativity are those being hurt by it the most, the industry itself. (Who else advertises on gaming sites?)

Sooner or later, more will join the ranks and say enough’s enough - we’re sorry, but frankly we have better things to do with our time than get caught up in a tirade that leaves us under a cloud. We want to go on gaming sites to feel good about our chosen hobby, not leave frustrated and annoyed because negative fanboys just keep on attacking our choices or keep dragging us down to their level. So we’ll make a statement, by joining communities which are different, and finally get back to what matters most – games. And how much we love them.

By Azz Hassan (Part of the team @
Yes,I've made an effort to pull myself back as well. I have my preferences but I'm trying not to be such a dick about it.
I've never understood how people could be so emotionally attached to a console. People get so vile and defensive. Or the kind mentioned in the blog, the seemingly unbiased posters with an obvious agenda after you've read more of their posts. It's really awful with the PS3 hate, I don't remember the snes - genesis ****** war being anywhere near this bad. But maybe I haven't been bitten by the ****** bug because I know I'll get all consoles eventually.
Oh the SNES Genesis conflict was epic. I was all of twelve years old and it was a battle on the playground every damn day.

I understand the negative campaigning when a child does it. But with adults I find it strange. I can partially forgive it in the context of web forums, where anonymity does strage things to people...

edit: And I second the notion that the article author's idea is a bad one.
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I just doubt that isolating people to different "camps" from each other is the answer and the mentality in those places is probably such that you can't say anything negative about the console or you are judged to be negative ******, then it's all smiles and roses, kind of like person in a mental hospital on drugs.
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How is negative fanboi-ism worse than positive fanboi-ism? Both are deluded, and both come from fanbois. Just change the subject to know that's true. The roots of the problem are ignorance, stupidity and an almost complete lack of responsibility afforded by the Internet.

And I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take this seriously coming from Sony. I sure as heck didn't hear anything along these lines before their current string of pathetic PR. Isn't the timing just a little too conspicuous? It just seems so fortuitous, I could say, for Sony.
How is negative fanboi-ism worse than positive fanboi-ism? Both are deluded, and both come from fanbois. Just change the subject to know that's true. The roots of the problem are ignorance, stupidity and an almost complete lack of responsibility afforded by the Internet.

And I'm not sure how I'm supposed to take this seriously coming from Sony. I sure as heck didn't hear anything along these lines before their current string of pathetic PR. Isn't the timing just a little too conspicuous? It just seems so fortuitous, I could say, for Sony.

It's o.k. to be a fan of something. When it goes to such an extreme that you frequent forums of competing platforms, that you don't own, solely for the purpose of spreading FUD then there's a problem.
Not allowing post comparing games from different platforms, or the platforms itself has done a ton of good for B3D.
Though the more sneakier viral marketers always find a way to express their "opinion".
How can you tell who the viral marketers are/ I've always wondered for example where certain websites get their revenue from or who started them.
The article is not very well done. First, as was said, fanb0yism is fanb0yism, be it positive or negative. The constant system apologists that refuse to acknowledge problems or mistakes by their favorite brands, inflate sales figures, minimize technical problems, and the like are just as annoying as system trolls who berate "opposing" systems at any opportunity. I find it very ironic that this originated at, the "official unofficial" PS blog. It was not so long ago that Sony execs were pretty proud to fan the flames (pun intended) of fanb0yism with a large number of very low-class comments toward the competition. With the PSP becoming an increasingly small point in the DS rear mirror, and the PS3 launch meeting a lot of problems, Sony and their fanb0ys find themselves on the receiving end of the mud-slinging, and now they decide to call a truce ? Cry me a river, and fire up the waaaaaahbulance.

Just like quoting Japanese sales figures, bashing opposing systems was A-OK in all those people's book until E32K6...

Regarding isolating fanb0ys to their own little forum corners, it's stupid on a great many counts
1) if one is really hellbent on doing negative fanb0yism, it's not that hard to create a dummy account for the sole purpose of stealth trolling
2) sheltering "positive fanb0ys" from criticism (either warranted or "negative fanb0yism") encourages the creation of sheep-like thinking (hive mind)
3) it has been tried before. The IGN and GameFaqs boards are considered some of the worst cesspools of the Internet, but they have their own little Sony, MS, Nintendo corners. Doesn't prevent the trolling
4) Most of the "negative" fanb0ys are also "positive" ones (not surprising considering this is a very false dichotomy anyway), and some of the worst, blatant trolling I've seen on the Internets comes not from actual "discussion" (ok, feces-slinging) between two camps, but from circle-jercks between fanb0ys of a single system
5) Isolating fanb0ys won't change John Gabriel's Greater Internet ****wad Theory
I hate to break it to you, sport, but even the almighty B3D is not immune to from this.

There is no immunization for the disease. But there are doctors floating around here to treat the blistering sores when they do popup. Sometimes they even scalpel away the really oozing parts. It's not pefect. But what do you expect from a free clinic?
There is no immunization for the disease. But there are doctors floating around here to treat the blistering sores when they do popup. Sometimes they even scalpel away the really oozing parts. It's not pefect. But what do you expect from a free clinic?

You're right. But obviously, their medical facilities are not nearly advanced enough when it comes to identifying the new age symptoms.

Y'know the ones? The type that don't show any clear indication of the disease, but have a hidden agenda cleverly disguised under their (not so) *neutral* status. Agreed, the doctors here are top notch, so lets hope they figure it out before this new symptom shows up and infects every thread.;)
There is no immunization for the disease. But there are doctors floating around here to treat the blistering sores when they do popup. Sometimes they even scalpel away the really oozing parts. It's not pefect. But what do you expect from a free clinic?

That was classic !!!
Not allowing post comparing games from different platforms, or the platforms itself has done a ton of good for B3D.
Though the more sneakier viral marketers always find a way to express their "opinion".

I agree with both of these statements.

Viral marketing is a huge concern for me. I love reading gaming forums, and taking part on occasion... but sometimes you see the same people posting on many different gaming forums, frequently:
  • supporting one system's threads wholeheartedly
  • negatively posting in threads from the "other side" with subtle snipes ("looks good, though it seems to have been toned down since screens we saw a month ago", etc)
  • sometimes, even "changing sides" after building a reputation, then being a prolific "convert" to preach to the masses
I'm sure both sides are in on it - however I'd guess Sony are more likely to be involved. Stuff like "All I want for Christmas is a PSP" by Sony prove they're out there to win marketshare through deception.

Are there any proven MS examples of forum/blog posting that attempt detachment from the parent company? The "I Love Bees" thing is all I can think of, but it's not really the same thing at all.

I'd guess Nintendo wouldn't bother, since they have enough credibility based on word of mouth alone.
Yes perhaps Sony should take notification of this blogg and think before acting. All the negative comments against xbox360 and Wii during year 05/06 just becouse they other consoles had something PS3 didnt have.
This type of blog seems very odd that it came from Sony themselves. I certainly hope someone there isn't trying to say all the negativity surrounding the PS3 is just a matter of ******ism, and instead actual things that people either don't like about the system or how sony is handling things (well I'm sure some of it is ******ism) but not to the extent some people are alluding to.

On the EGM live podcast yesterday, there was a pretty funny argument between shane and shu about items discussed during the interview with jack thompson. Saying how jack was visibly pissed during the line of questioning and how Sony themselves didn't like the line of questioning compared to easier less controversial interviews. It's certainly a podcast worth hearing (with the exception of Shanes retarded arguments)...

The viral marketing thing is something that bothers me immensely. Anyone pretending to be a fan of something because they are paid to do so is the most dishonest form of "advertising" being used. Did you all see the article about the EU banning the use of advertising in this way by December? It really makes me wonder which posters are suddenly going to vanish from this point forth. There was a few people that posted an incredible amount of times on multi forums which always made me suspicious.
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This type of blog seems very odd that it came from SONY themselves.
It doesn't come from Sony. It's a guest blogger, named at the bottom of the article.
By Azz Hassan (Part of the team @

Though Sony obviously ratify what gets onto ThreeSpeech, they don't own all the contributors. Unless you want to create a conspiracy theory!
This article is a joke. I dissagree with the notion that antifanb0yism is a negative thing and I encourage any means necessary to tout my platform over others. After all, my system is best and anyone who dissagrees with me needs to get another job.
