Myamoto Interview at Ign

"Shigeru Miyamoto: You know, I didn't get a chance to see the Sony and Microsoft presentations for myself, but from what I've heard from people it sounds like they are going to be using cutting-edge technology, as are we. However, the way that they are planning on implementing that technology is obviously very different from the route that we're going to be taking. On the business side of things I see where we're going and I see where they're going and I'm not worried at all. I don't think it's going to influence us at all. We're good to go."

Its an interesting read, made me kinda sad about the whole thing tought, dont know exactly why.
IGNcube: Have Revolution development kits gone out yet?

Shigeru Miyamoto: We have not sent out development kits to developers yet. However, development kits for the Nintendo Revolution are very similar to the ones for the GameCube. So we feel that the environments are so similar that they will be able to start development very quickly upon receiving the development kits for Revolution.

IGNcube: Can you tell us when you'll send out Revolution development kits?

Shigeru Miyamoto: As far as when we're going to be sending out development kits, we don't have set schedule at this point. But I think that if you look at it, the "development kits" that a lot of other companies are sending out, are those really the ones with the latest chips? Are those the ones that have all the latest technology? It's hard to say. I don't think we're going to be that much different from other companies when they are sending out their actual finished development kits. I think we'll be able to send the development kits in a timeframe that pleases the developers. It's going to be in a time when it fits their development schedules well.
Didn't Iwata hinted that DevKit were already sent? Or was he talking about Nintendo internal teams?
I like this quote
Asked if REV is as powerful?
"if you look at the numbers that they're throwing out, are those numbers going to be used in-game? I mean, those are just numbers that somebody just crunched up on a calculator. We could throw out a bunch of numbers, too, but what we're going to do is wait until our chips are done and we're going to find out how everything in the game is running, what its peak performance is, and those are the numbers that we're going to release because those are the numbers that really count.

I do think it's very irresponsible for people to say, "This is what we're running on. This is the power of our machine," when they're not even running on final boards. I think the professional's job is to not believe those numbers. "
Kind of a slight jab there ;)

They said the same thing about the GCN. Since Rev is prob coming out Fall 2006, my guess is that it could be in the same ballpark as the X360. Now he did mention small and quiet... which may be a small tradeoff. But my guess is they will have something pretty decent. Not earth shattering, but I would expect something that is competitive.
Didn't Iwata hinted that DevKit were already sent? Or was he talking about Nintendo internal teams?

Perhaps Iwata was talking about something similar to MS's early dev kits? (Mac with a ATI card in it). Since it seems when Miyamoto says development kit he means something with actual final hardware (appart from final clock speeds that is).
I'm starting to like the direction where Nintendo is going, they are clearly braking away from Sony and MS, they don't need to sell most consoles to achieve their goals. Nintendo has their loyal fanbase who are not going to disappear, this gives Nintendo more freedom to do stuff and do experiments, they don't need to have most powerful console either. Nintendo is playing complete different game than Sony and MS and soon they probably not even considered even rivals, Nintendo is securing their own market and they can be happy there, or atleast that's how I see it, and I'm starting to appreciate it.
As a gamer, I don't care how Nintendo delivers the goods.. as long as they're worth my time and money.

That said, I care about their financial future since it directly correlates with their game output.

Nintendo.. you've gotta step up to the plate.

Throw out some of your damned cards for all to see, innovative or not.. and let people know what's coming and let them know that they should pre-order a Revolution right now. Microsoft? Sony? Let them scramble to catch up, if that's their prerogative!
Very interesting quotes. I will say this. If the cpu and gpu are named Broadway and Hollywood, then it will likely be quite powerful. Also if you look at Nintendo's console history, they've always been within the technology curve relative to the competition. For example SNES, N64, GCN.

Anyway it's nice to know Nintendo is being realistic about their hardware performance expectations. Also it sounds like their chips aren't complete yet which means they could even add more performance should the need arise. 8)
PC-Engine said:
Very interesting quotes. I will say this. If the cpu and gpu are named Broadway and Hollywood, then it will likely be quite powerful. Also if you look at Nintendo's console history, they've always been within the technology curve relative to the competition. For example SNES, N64, GCN.

Anyway it's nice to know Nintendo is being realistic about their hardware performance expectations. Also it sounds like their chips aren't complete yet which means they could even add more performance should the need arise. 8)
I hope Nintendo doesn't let us down, because I remember an old article saying they were more focused on "revolutionary" ideas than graphical power.
That if you give your GPU a cool or fast sounding name it increases the chances of it going fast? :LOL:

Interesting logic!
mech said:
That if you give your GPU a cool or fast sounding name it increases the chances of it going fast? :LOL:

Interesting logic!

Think deeper...think longer...and if you still can't figure it out...then too bad for you. ;) :LOL:
PC-Engine said:
mech said:
That if you give your GPU a cool or fast sounding name it increases the chances of it going fast? :LOL:

Interesting logic!

Think deeper...think longer...and if you still can't figure it out...then too bad for you. ;) :LOL:

To be honest, i'm also having trouble understanding your logic too PC, so before we start arguing, care to elaborate? Otherwise, just stop commenting like this cause the thread is going nowhere.
If you mean they're named after areas of Movie Studios and Musical Theatres, that means they'll be powerful...

Wierd logic. Maybe Sony or MS can increase the performance of their processors by calling them 'Bollywood' and 'West End'? :?
If you mean they're named after areas of Movie Studios and Musical Theatres, that means they'll be powerful...

Wierd logic. Maybe Sony or MS can increase the performance of their processors by calling them 'Bollywood' and 'West End'?
Or the Sound of Music and Star Wars...