My day was weird


Retarded moron
A girl asked me for my phone number and I gave it to her.

I hope she doesn't sign me up for spam.
K.I.L.E.R said:
A girl asked me for my phone number and I gave it to her.

Coz she wants to have SEX with you, of course! DUH. :D

My day's started out well. UPS just called, they'll deliver my new PC in a couple hours. Hopefully there won't be a crack down the front of the LCD screen or something like that. :eek:
How come you know that?
I don't get this social stuff.

I spent 2 hours talking to my friend about programming languages, and how JIT has a large advantage over statically compiled programs.
She's just winding you up, leading you on, letting you think she wants to jump your bones, but will insist on being Just Good Friends(TM). They're evil, women are teh ebil. Ebil I tells ya!!!! :devilish:
K.I.L.E.R said:
How come you know that?
I don't get this social stuff.

I spent 2 hours talking to my friend about programming languages, and how JIT has a large advantage over statically compiled programs.

erm ,, well that depends though doesnt it ;)

how can you talk for 2 hours about programming languages?,,, was alcohol involved ? ? if so, did you proceed in the correct order and end up at "be-but,,, theres loads of universes right,,, and in the other ones, well,,, errr" etc.. ?
how can you talk for 2 hours about programming languages?

Some of the guys I know really love the stuff as much as I do.

It's not hard exchanging knowledge and making conversation about this stuff. The week before we spoke for 4 hours about coding languages.