Musk bought Twitter, what hasn't gone wrong?

I don't know how it works if you are resident in europe but employed in the usa, but there your employer disclosing your personal information like medical status, it's a crime.

Funny that when he understood that he had to pay him 100M just to fire him, backpedaled and offered to rehire.
What a difference 100M can do.
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Funny that when he understood that he add to pay him 100M just to fire him, backpedaled and offered to rehire.
What a difference 100M can do.
Yeah but "re-hire" means he was "de-hired" to then become eligible for "re-hire."

Holy shit this guy is a legend now. I'd accept the hire offer just to then do zero work like Elon already accused me of. Why not, what are they gonna do, re-fire me too?
Yeah but "re-hire" means he was "de-hired" to then become eligible for "re-hire."

Holy shit this guy is a legend now. I'd accept the hire offer just to then do zero work like Elon already accused me of. Why not, what are they gonna do, re-fire me too?

Was he really working anyways? Because if you buy my company for $100 million and I accept payment in the form of wages, my job description is going to be,

“Work hours: Gets to come in and leave work when he feels like it.”

“Responsibilities: Gives out high fives and thumb ups. Other than that, not a damn thang.”
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Is that to make it easier to quantify that that part of Twitter met its deliverables? “You can see on this bar chart that PR fulfilled 100% of Elon’s target shitposting.”

Also, the ghost emoji would have been too … transparent. (⌐■_■)