things seem to be accelerating for Xbox 2 ...shifting into higher gear...
can you say Ridge Racer
unrelated CG from PSP's Ridge Racers
I want to play something that looks like that
even if Xbox 2's Ridge Racer does not reach PSP Ridge Racer CG level, I think that PS1's Ridge Racer Type 4 CG is deadmeat...opps.... I mean dead meat
RR Type 4 CG
.....check out the video stills of the XNA Crash demo
If you own an Xbox, that future is all about Xbox 2. Sure, next year you'll see a full roster of excellent games appearing on the first Xbox, but you'll unquestionably see a fat lineup of games simultaneously on Xbox 2.
Namco should bring a once classic series to the system, one that was once the top of the line in its genre, but has faded over the last years thanks to a certain Sony game in the same category.
can you say Ridge Racer
unrelated CG from PSP's Ridge Racers
I want to play something that looks like that
even if Xbox 2's Ridge Racer does not reach PSP Ridge Racer CG level, I think that PS1's Ridge Racer Type 4 CG is deadmeat...opps.... I mean dead meat
RR Type 4 CG
.....check out the video stills of the XNA Crash demo