More Far Cry confusion? (nv45 anand's review)

digitalwanderer said:
jimmyjames123 said:
FaryCry primarily uses PS 1.1 shaders, with PS 2.0 used for the lighting effects.
You just continue to post until you embarress yourself too much and then you go away for a while before coming back, let us guess which time it is now.... ;)

This seems to indicate you think jvd is in the right? I think you're being a bit hard on Jimmy here, given the arguments presented :?
You just continue to post until you embarress yourself too much and then you go away for a while before coming back, let us guess which time it is now....

Firingsquad did an in-depth review on FarCry, with some details regarding what type of shaders are used in-game. Please see their website for more information, or you can email Brandon Bell at FS.
jimmyjames123 said:
Track record??? lol, I can't even begin to compete with some people here! :D
Ah, but that's what makes you so interesting actually have some technical knowledge to argue with, you're not just a braindead fanboy.

But you've also been known to push an agenda in the face of reason and facts some too, which is what I'm referring to with "your track record". ;)

I apologize if you were indeed correct in this instance.
I do not have a devious "agenda". I am just trying to learn as much as possible here, while occasionally giving input or providing feedback. ;)
I e-mailed Derek Wilson (AT reviewer), and he thinks it's all about different platforms used in both previews. Maybe the game, card drivers or whatever, is optimiced for Intel platforms.