Mice - which one to buy?

I'm in need of a new mouse. My mouseman wheel is finally wearing out, but they don't make it anymore, and I like it's shape.

The closest things I've seen are:

Logitech Mouseman Wireless (similar shape and button placement, but it's wireless and they don't do a wired version, and it uses the older wireless tech. You have to replace batteries)

Logitech MX500 (new shape & engine, buttons not all where I want them, supposedly very accurate)

Logitech MX700 (new shape & engine, very expensive, wireless, rechargable buttons not where I want them).

My primary criteria is for playing FPS games like UT2K, so it's got to be accurate, and comfortable. One of the reasons I like my current mouse is the left-to-right slope across the back that makes it comfortable for my medium sized hands, and the thumb button that is along the base of the mouse, rather than high along the side as per the MX mice.

Anyone got any opinions on these or any other recommendations for replacement mice?
I've found that the wireless mice tend not to be the best for gaming, there is some slight lag...at least for me and I play UT 2003 Professionally.
I still like my original Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical (one with one additional button on either side, rather than two on one side).
Doomtrooper said:
I've found that the wireless mice tend not to be the best for gaming, there is some slight lag...at least for me and I play UT 2003 Professionally.

Yes, that's pretty much my view (hence my inclusion of the MX500), but people have been raving about how the MX700 supposedly doesn't have that accuracy/lag problem.

Tagrineth said:
I still like my original Microsoft IntelliMouse Optical (one with one additional button on either side, rather than two on one side).

Hmm, I don't really like the MS shape, and they seem to only grudgingly accept that any mouse worth it's salt needs to have three main buttons. I find the MS mice to be very flat (for either hand use), when what I really want is a "right handed" mouse that has a sloped back. I find it much more comfortable for long periods, the same way people like the sloped MS ergonomic keyboards. I guess this is why I have a preference for Logitech's mice, because they seem to have better shaped mice for my tastes.
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Hmm, I don't really like the MS shape, and they seem to only grudgingly accept that any mouse worth it's salt needs to have three main buttons. I find the MS mice to be very flat (for either hand use), when what I really want is a "right handed" mouse that has a sloped back. I find it much more comfortable for long periods, the same way people like the sloped MS ergonomic keyboards. I guess this is why I have a preference for Logitech's mice, because they seem to have better shaped mice for my tastes.

All of MS's optical mice have at least 4 buttons...
As soon this one is out, ill buy one ..


North America has to wait another 3 months, in Europa any moment now.
I like the plain old Wheel Mouse Optical from MS myself. Just got an Explorer 3.0 with my new system though, for the two extra buttons.
At the risk of getting ridden out of town on a rail... or Tarred and Feathered, I vote for a Good Trackball.

I use the now discontinued MS Trackman Explorer, with 5 Btns. and a wheel.

Once you've gotten used to a Trackball you'll never go back to a Mouse.

Fast, accurate, and no more wrist problems.

Try it! You'll Like it! :D
I want that new leather one that M$ is coming out with.

I love me optical explorer, but leather would just be too much more comfy on the palm. :) (Besides, I believe they're making a leather explorer optical style one... ;) )
I hope you dont sweat when you are gaming ..

that's the only problem I can see with a leather covered mouse. with long-trem use I tend to sweat and that's not going to go too well with the leather....
I have a MX500 and Im quite pleased with it... It is a little heavy though compared to some of Microsofts (I think) but I like that. The shape is great, and I really like that they have moved the thumb buttons a little so you dont accidently click one of them.
Kalbaz said:
I hope you dont sweat when you are gaming ..

that's the only problem I can see with a leather covered mouse. with long-trem use I tend to sweat and that's not going to go too well with the leather....
I don't think it'll be much of a problem. Leather conditioner can do wonders and leather is TOUGH!

I figure it'll work out nicely just like me stick-shift on me 5-speed Pathfinder, and I got a 30 year old leather jacket that has seen me thru bloody hell-n-back so I got faith in leathers ability to last some years with a little care.

Besides, it's gonna have that new sideways scroll-wheel thingy! ;)
I would kill for an optical mouseman wheel.

Those things are the most comfortable mice ever made. I'd go try a few out for hand-feel and buy the one that feels best.