Megan Ann Reynolds

Megan definitely has mommy's hair (thank god), but she has my nose. It's hard to tell who she's going to take after more, but either way she's very cute. The hospital staff keep commenting on how good she looks for a newborn and my mother thinks she's the most beautiful baby she's ever seen. Of course this is the first girl born in my family since my sister 45 years ago, so grandma might be a little biased.

As for pics, one of the first things I'm going to be here soon is a scanner. Melissa refuses to come off her old 35mm for a digital. But I'll take Dave's offer and e-mail some pics his way once I get them scanned.
This is definitely the best thread for a first post, congratulations John! Hope we see some pictures soon!

Cheers, Joey.
I just returned from my vacation, and it looks like this thread is the most newsworthy, by far, of all that's happened in the week since I've been away.

What wonderful news, John! She'll change your life...for the better!