Martians Assimilate Spirit Rover.

london-boy said:
Did the conspiracy theory surrounding the landing on the Moon get anywhere in the end? I am still not sure what to think about that one, lets not even start on Mars...

It's still as much nonsense as it always was, that's where it got to.

Conspiracy theories are a CIA plot to distract people from what's really going on ;)
nutball said:
It's still as much nonsense as it always was, that's where it got to.

Conspiracy theories are a CIA plot to distract people from what's really going on ;)

Why would the CIA want to.... Oh i get it... :oops:
Yeah, Conspiracy theories on conspiracy theories are fun!!
pax said:
I dont think its because the US is risk averse. Theres plenty here who would debate that. I think its cause when the US and other nations stop caring about something they dont fund it. When nasa, for all that it stands for, cant muster 10% of the military budget its clear any real vision for space exploration left the political offices long ago. If the public was well informed on how much was spent maybe theyd like to see some more but Im not even sure if most people care all that much about space either.


NASAs other problem is that it's institutional mind-set makes it very difficult to do things "on the cheap". The NASA idea of a "cheap" mission is $300-400 million. This means firstly that their budget doesn't stretch so far, and secondly when the missions fail the taxpayer (understandably) starts to ask questions about whether the money is being well spent (by which I mean from a technical standpoint not a scientific one).

Maybe this is what I mean by risk-averse. The political consequences of perceived failure are too high, in relation to the true risks and true rewards (neither of which the public at large, or the politicians who hold the purse strings, have a real grasp on).

I have similar worries for the prospect of a Beagle 3 (Aurora as it is known), afterall the UK government isn't exactly reknowned for it's far-sightedness.
nutball said:
I have similar worries for the prospect of a Beagle 3 (Aurora as it is known), afterall the UK government isn't exactly reknowned for it's far-sightedness.

Not saying you're wrong, yet, but can you put that last sentence in a context? Put it like that, you sound like ByteMe ;)
"mmmm this could be a hollywood-y kind of way to then eventually come up with evidence that there actually IS life on Mars."

No you got it all wrong, our lives are a popular comedy real life show on Mars. :D
:oops: :oops: HAHAHA where did THAT come from? :LOL:

Case solved!!!!!! It's all Nvidia's fault!!! The thing melted down, not on landing, but on powering-up!!!
Another optimisation by the big 'N'? :LOL:

The dustbuster failed and the entire thing blew up. :LOL:

I wonder if the images of Mars were "optimised"?
They used brilinear filtering on the images. :LOL:

"Hey, it's a martian" - NASA scientist
"Nah, it's just mip map dithering on a 2D image, it's the new craze" - NASA scientist 2


I got 3000 Marsmarks. :LOL:

Maybe we can see the simulation running at 1fps using PS2.0? :LOL:

Pre-set clip planes on Mars. :LOL:
To be honest though, how hard would it be for the government to "simulate" this whole thing? Who's here to tell us that the thing is actually on Mars and not a movie studio? I know this is an old issue, but i just can't get over it.
Barnabas said:
Seems there NASA was able to contact the rover again today according to BBC. No details, though.
Yes. Rover called home and said that the atmosphere of Mars was not conducive for the correct operation of its FX-FLOW unit and it was shutting down.
Yes. Rover called home and said that the atmosphere of Mars was not conducive for the correct operation of its FX-FLOW unit and it was shutting down.
Don't be silly. If FX Flow was installed on the rover it could leave Mars at any time and fly home to Earth. The specs specifically state "no retro rockets installed". 8)
london-boy said:
nutball said:
I have similar worries for the prospect of a Beagle 3 (Aurora as it is known), afterall the UK government isn't exactly reknowned for it's far-sightedness.

Not saying you're wrong, yet, but can you put that last sentence in a context? Put it like that, you sound like ByteMe ;)

I mean in the scientific/technological arena. There are countless examples of the UK leading the world (read: the US) in a given scientific or technical area only for the government to say "nah, can't see the point, project cancelled".

We just don't do the Vision Thing(TM).
london-boy said:
To be honest though, how hard would it be for the government to "simulate" this whole thing? Who's here to tell us that the thing is actually on Mars and not a movie studio? I know this is an old issue, but i just can't get over it.

More trouble than it's worth.
nutball said:
london-boy said:
To be honest though, how hard would it be for the government to "simulate" this whole thing? Who's here to tell us that the thing is actually on Mars and not a movie studio? I know this is an old issue, but i just can't get over it.

More trouble than it's worth.

I'm sure it would cost much less than the millions of millions put down for the missions, therefore the money would go "somewhere else". Also, the fact that "OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH The USA was the first one!" factor....

not THAT much of a trouble, and the gains are pretty big if you ask me... (Gosh i would be a terrible President, just faking everything)
duh, I can't believe none of you have figured it out yet! It's obviously the Martian terrorists- they were involved in 9/11 and shipping WMD manufacturing materials to Iraq. Also, that's where Bin Laden is hiding. We must borrow trillions of dollars to spend on developing low-yield nuculear missiles that can reach Mars, because we surely wouldn't want to use high-yield nuculear or conventional weapons since those have already been developed and wouldn't cost much to retro-fit for a Mars mission. Also, we need to develop flying "laser" cannons to "Shock and Blind" the Martians because it's more humane to blind them before blowing them up, that way they won't know it's comming and get all scared a poop their pants (or whatever they wear over there).
Latest news is it's all down to the Misterons. They've been torturing Rover n Beagle 2 in the belief that they are representatives of the Earth Master Race.