Mario Kart GC screens

dont be so fast, Nintendo isnt taking it online, but there is Gamespy Tunnel coming for GC, being it has LAN play, people are certain to use it.

I'm guessing you've never used GspyTunnel/XBConnect.. I have a freaking FAST connection 3 meg down / 1 meg up, and its a pile of shit. Definitely, DEFINITELY not a bulletpoint selling feature of any game.. infact it gets you more pissed at the developer for not putting real online play in :p
I just hope it will bring something new on the table.

Next year : Jak and Dexter racing game with co-op gameplay :LOL:
I don't want mario kart online . I want the game the way the old ones were. The fun in it is getting to beat your friend into the ground and then laughing in his face when u beat him. Then there is the drinking game that we made based of this .
Damn straight! Getting drunk with your friends and playing Mario Kart is the best way to enjoy it, all other forms should be outlawed :p
The happiest multiplayers days were the days I played Bomberman with 3-4 of my friends on SNES.

I really miss those days.
maskrider said:
The happiest multiplayers days were the days I played Bomberman with 3-4 of my friends on SNES.

I really miss those days.

still do that with my saturn and then again with my dc :)
Jvd: Heck, you can do it on GCN too. ;)

Mario Kart is a must-have, must-buy, must-everything game for me. The character LOD looks a little off.. but so did SMS in the screenshots. Mario looked like a blurry mess, then the game hits and Mario looked fine.
Blade said:
Jvd: Heck, you can do it on GCN too. ;)

Mario Kart is a must-have, must-buy, must-everything game for me. The character LOD looks a little off.. but so did SMS in the screenshots. Mario looked like a blurry mess, then the game hits and Mario looked fine.

Yea i know i can do it on the cube too , we just like the dc better , at least the controls
Some of you guys are being overly harsh and/or giving too much credit to such consoles as the N64. I think the game looks alright at this point, it could look better, but the last two pictures don't exactly hurt my eyes, and the draw distance doesn't seem to be cut down any. I will agree that the game should run in 60 fps and that the other backgrounds need to be tweaked, but the characters and most of the karts look pretty good to me.
JVD, I think we just stumbled onto Nintendo's next advertising campaign to appeal to more mature audiences.

Introducing Mario Kart Double Dash for Nintendo GameCube, the perfect drinking companion for you and your friends.

*Legal disclaimer. Friends and alcohol not included. Nintendo is not responsible for ensuing property damage, emotional damage, freak accidents, life-threatening dares or monetary losses due to gambling among friends while consuming large quantities of alcohol and playing Mario Kart Double Dash. Nintendo does not support the drinking of alcohol by minors nor does it encourage alcoholism or any form of substance abuse. Nintendo implores you to not drink and drive, instead drink and play Mario Kart Double Dash for hours of fun. Mario Kart Double Dash is currently banned in the state of Texas and Florida. Rated E for everyone, unless you get together with friends and like to drink, in which case its rated M for mature audiences due to the intense violence and language associated with drinking and playing Mario Kart Double Dash.

OMG, Mario Kart Double Shots, this is gonna be the best game EVER! :devilish:
a4164 said:
JVD, I think we just stumbled onto Nintendo's next advertising campaign to appeal to more mature audiences.

Introducing Mario Kart Double Dash for Nintendo GameCube, the perfect drinking companion for you and your friends.

*Legal disclaimer. Friends and alcohol not included. Nintendo is not responsible for ensuing property damage, emotional damage, freak accidents, life-threatening dares or monetary losses due to gambling among friends while consuming large quantities of alcohol and playing Mario Kart Double Dash. Nintendo does not support the drinking of alcohol by minors nor does it encourage alcoholism or any form of substance abuse. Nintendo implores you to not drink and drive, instead drink and play Mario Kart Double Dash for hours of fun. Mario Kart Double Dash is currently banned in the state of Texas and Florida. Rated E for everyone, unless you get together with friends and like to drink, in which case its rated M for mature audiences due to the intense violence and language associated with drinking and playing Mario Kart Double Dash.

OMG, Mario Kart Double Shots, this is gonna be the best game EVER! :devilish:

u should see us play triva pursuit or whatever its called . U miss a question you take a shot , you miss a pie question u take 2 shots , u miss the last question to win you t ake 5. we still haven't gotten more than 1 pie wedge.... fun ass game though
graphics are at least decent.. remember this is not an pseudo-realist game ala gateway...

what i'm curious to see is if the fun of the original snes mario kart is in this game.. i was eventually disappointed w/ mario kart 64, i had more fun w/ rare's diddy kong racing...
I'm very impressed. Remember you have two ppl on each kart not just one. The GCN is drawing twice as much polys just on each vehicle. Very nice draw distance and vivid Marioesqe colors. I love the LAN idea with two characters per kart. And you know the track design is gonna be incredible. I forsee college dorms a plenty with this one just like they did with MK64. We are seeing the innovative ideas mixed WITH the classic Nintendo franchises that Miyamoto was talking about.
I'm guessing this game requires the broadband adapter for LAN play? Hopefully this game will push start LAN play in 3rd party games too ie F-Zero.
PC-Engine said:
Bomberman on the PC-Engine too.

Yes, many Hudson games are also released on PC-Engine, I had given my set of PC-Engine to a friend of mine ever since I bought my PSX.
Looks terrible, what happened to coders at Nintendo? First SMS, now this? Oh well, I´m more interested in the gameplay side of things, but I´m unpleasently surprised to tell the truth. :?
I'm a little underwhelmed by the art direction (textures and style), but, as Tag pointed out, the draw distance seems nice.

Personally, I think cel-shading would suit the game better (a la Paper Mario or Yoshi's Story).