Lost planet screens

Probably my most anticipated 360 game now.


We need this emoticon.
Just finished the first part of the demo, and it kinda reminds me off Metroid Prime a little. and Zelda OOT. The Metroid Prime bit is that you can only shoot the big boss in the butt, and his ass goes from orange to red depending on how much health he has left. The Zelda bits come from the fact that he reminds me of the goron level where the boss was rolling around, plus lets not forget the grapple hook.

All in all a very polished game. I really enjoy the precision of the controls as well, and the 90 degree buttons actually really come in handy in the heat of battle.

Will look forward to picking this up.
Multiplayer demo is the most fun I've had on XBL yet. Very very fun game, I cant wait for a release! Capcom sure is nailing it with its new franchises!
Anyone else find it particularly annoying how it takes a long time to get into a game? I mean, Once you refresh the list and try to connect to a match god forbid but 9 times out of 10 the match is either dead or already started. Then the game closes you out to the "main" menu. And you have to do another full search again!

Whys it like this with EVERY 360 game Ive tried to play online? Its so annoying! Burnout Revenge was the worst, 40 minutes before I could get into a single game!
Anyone else find it particularly annoying how it takes a long time to get into a game?

I get in the demo pretty quickly fairly often. I'm sure when the game is released and they are a lot more players it will be less of an issue.

Rainbow 6 Vegas demo let;s you get in quickly also, and CoD3 is lightning quick and let's you on a game in progress, which is my favorite set up.

Gears is great too and it also let's you join in progress (match, not round).

I have very little patience for waiting and not connecting and the only game I hated was GRAW where if a match had started you had to wait sometimes 20 minutes.
I hope the games are able to load faster and put you into a game instantly. At least it's perfect once it actually starts.
Interview: http://www.siliconera.com/index.php...rom-the-lost-planet-by-producer-jun-takeuchi/

Why was the Xbox 360 chosen as the exclusive platform for Lost Planet?

The 360 is very easy to develop for, and they have a definite focus on online play. Since Capcom doesn’t have a large amount of experience in the online arena, this ease of development, along with the support we received from Microsoft, made making Lost Planet a 360 exclusive an easy decision to make. It also made sense because the Xbox 360 is a very popular platform in the US.
It recieved a 9/9/9/9 in the main Famitsu :)

1) Cool that it feels like a big-budget sci-fi movie. You'll need to keep collecting Thermal Energy to stay alive, so you'll have to stay in the action at all times. If you find the game too hard, swallow your pride and play it on Easy mode. Playing against players from around the world looks like fun. SCORE = 9

2) Plays pretty much like an orthodox FPS game. The game balance lets you play through the game without much stress. Very inventive in that you have your human weapons and Vital Suit weapons, and you can use them all on foot. The slower movements of the hefty Vital Suits balance out their overwhelming firepower and add to the tension. SCORE = 9

3) From the realism of the snow and air in the environments to the battles that really put you in the middle of the action, this game has it all. Battles against giant enemies and robots are super-exciting. May take some people a little time to get used to the unique controls and gameplay concepts. Story plays out well, with twists and turns throughout the experience. Online multiplayer seems a bit bland, but it's fun to play nonetheless. SCORE = 9

4) Despite the weapon balancing being fine-tuned with the multiplayer in mind, the story mode truly is a blast! Battles with creatures in the extreme conditions are intense and very challenging. The bosses are big, and the pattern-recognition style of boss-conquering is very rewarding. SCORE = 9
Sounds good! This game seems to bring together "western" game mechanics and "eastern" creativity in a very convincing and effective manner. I'm not that much into action games at the moment, but LP might just be worth it...
This game never really blew me away, but after watching the lastest Theatrical trailer on live, it's got me hooked. If they give that ad some serious airtime I think it will be quite the hit game.

btw, anyone know if they have large scale battles in the game, like the ones shown in that latest trailer?
Anyone else find it particularly annoying how it takes a long time to get into a game? I mean, Once you refresh the list and try to connect to a match god forbid but 9 times out of 10 the match is either dead or already started. Then the game closes you out to the "main" menu. And you have to do another full search again!

Whys it like this with EVERY 360 game Ive tried to play online? Its so annoying! Burnout Revenge was the worst, 40 minutes before I could get into a single game!

I'm very annoyed with this. I wish it did follow what Gears does in this respect or allow you to click on the other games listed and allow me to refresh the list manually. Hopefully the retail version of the game is better when it comes to online games but right now I'm only looking forward to the single player game which, going by the E3 demo, should be awesome.
hmmm, just saw where OXM magazine gave this an 8.0. (scans)

not bad but not meeting expectations IMO. Of course that's just one opinion and MP will make or break this game for me.
hmmm, just saw where OXM magazine gave this an 8.0. (scans)

not bad but not meeting expectations IMO. Of course that's just one opinion and MP will make or break this game for me.

If I have a 360 by then, I am getting this game for sure. Single player demo sold me.
Capcom listens and fixes MP issues:

"Capcom has been reading boards, emails and blogs, collecting thoughts and ideas directly from our growing community. Capcom would like to thank all of those people who have taken the time to share their thoughts on Lost Planet; the game is now that much stronger for it," said a company spokesperson.

So, what's changing? The Lobby and Matchmaking systems are seeing many, many changes:

# Private slots can be set by host
# Invite friends to a match
# Number of players in a room will be displayed next to name of the room
# Players will not be kicked all the way out to the main menu if they try to join a full game
# New button allows players to refresh the match list without going out to the main menu and selecting Quick Match again
# Players will now go to a post-game lobby at the end of a match, not kicked back to the main menu
# The ability to replay a match with the same group without leaving the post-game lobby
# Cycling maps on replayed matches when map selection is set to Random
# Text size on the team selection screen will be greatly increased when using non-HD resolutions.
# When manual team selection is set to ON, players will have 20 seconds to form teams.
# The time limit on each match will be maxed out at 60 minutes, instead of the current unlimited time.
# A player's custom match criteria will now be saved.

Thank you Capcom! I am impressed that they are listening to all the feedback and doing something about it (Epic on the other hand...)

Great example of developers listening. :D Is the feedback through forums or is there a feedback form of some kind?