Back to the OP comments,
I think it's silly to have expected every AAA game on £140-£400 consoles to look like crysis on high settings.
At the beginning of this year i spent £800 on a brand spanking new PC expecting to play Crysis at a constant 60fps on high settings (at even 720p resolution too, as I play on my Samsung HDtv through VGA).
My computer ended up being spanked by Crysis, and on high settings with y quad core CPU and 8800 series GPU I still failed to achieve anywhere near a constant 30fps at 1024x768 resolution.
I spent £300 on my PS3 and had a much more enjoyable time, being much more impressed playing KZ2 and Uncharted.
For the money you spend on a console, you're getting phenomenal performance.
Also, apart from Crytek, Id and a few higher res console ports, I don't really see any future PC titles on the scale scale of big budget console exclusives. PC nowadays gets up-res'd console ports, and many other games that, while being excellent games, aren't even comparable to Crysis (however many years old that game is).
More and more PC-only devs are going multiplat and leading on consoles first, so I really can't see any more PC exclusive mega-ZOMG-Teh-Graphix games like Crysis appearing on PC in future.
In a nutshell, I disagree with the OP. I find the best games on consoles pretty amazing. Yes I'd prefer it if every game ran at 60fps, but last gen was barely any different to be fair. Of course Sony and MS' original promises were unrealistic, but if you've been in gaming since the 8 bit days, you learn not to pay attention to PR hyperbole ;-)