LCD with widescreen


beyond noob
I'm looking for an LCD widescreen that has a good response time for gaming and also hd movies.

I saw this Acer ALI1916W.

It goes for c$ 365. Do I have to go for a better model?

Yes use DVI.

Yes there are better models, the 2005fpw is reasonably priced, and gateway has one as well.

The 24" is too expensive though IMO

"I’m a gamer and I won’t buy an LCD until they get there is no ghosting” — My day wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t get about one or two of these in my Inbox. By ghosting, I assume the motion blur that is commonly associated with high response times. Actually, is this even a question? We have to admit that CRTs still out-perform LCDs due to their higher resolution, lower cost and quicker refresh. If you devote about a third of your life to playing games, buying an LCD just isn’t a good idea.
mito said:
Yes.. there are CRT snobs who swear by tubes.. I am one of them.
And there are LCD snobs who claim not to be able to see ghosting, notice the lack of deep blacks on lcds and dont care about the res limits of lcds.. gotta run at native res or else it loses sharpness because of scaling.
If you can afford the desk space crts are a superior technology.
But if you want a wide screen you'll be out luck unless you can find the sony widescreen monitor.. discontinued.
LCDs are superior to CRTs in every way save contrast. I notice very little to no motion blur and I'm on a 16ms display, but I do notice the contrast ratio and backlight bleeding when watching movies. The newer LCDs with 4 or 8ms response times and 800:1 or greater contrast are quite nice, anyone who still complains are looking for reasons to complain imo.
There is still the resolution problem, though. On my 2 year old LG Flatron 1710B (which I quite like I might add) anything not 12x10, especially text, looks awful eventhough I run it through DVI. In games it is not quite as noticeable. It is supposedly a 16ms panel which is good enough for most games but sometimes when quickly scrolling through text with certain types of fonts there appears to be some artifacting. Brightness and geometry are superior to any CRT I've seen, black levels and contrast are not.
radeonic2 said:
If you can afford the desk space crts are a superior technology.
Superior only if you don't care about sharpness (perfect square discrete pixels of LCD), don't mind moiré shit, like faffing around with refresh rate "fixes" to stop screen flicker, don't mind a horrendous power draw either (150+ W for a big screen), don't mind oscillating magnetic fields and low-level X-ray emissions striking your face and chest, or being involuntarily turned into a plate in a capacitor so your body builds up a static charge and your head attracts dust and other debris. Oh, and like spending hours fiddling with annoying on-screen menus trying to adjust all the various resolutions and refresh rates of PC software so the screen image reasonably follows the edge of the CRT tube, but never quite succeeding. I can't express in words the happiness I feel sitting here with an LCD and not having to bother with convergence, pincushioning, bowing and all that shit.

CRT isn't "superior technology", it's merely a piece of crap from mid-last-century that has outlived its usefulness because it's been reasonably cheap and easy to build, and well researched. Bleh.
Guden Oden said:
.... being involuntarily turned into a plate in a capacitor so your body builds up a static charge and your head attracts dust and other debris.....


mito said:
Will I see black borders if I play games using a widescreen LCD monitor?
That depends on the game go here and check. Most games have some solution that are big names, but who knows with the small name ones.
Guden Oden said:
Superior only if you don't care about sharpness (perfect square discrete pixels of LCD), don't mind moiré shit, like faffing around with refresh rate "fixes" to stop screen flicker, don't mind a horrendous power draw either (150+ W for a big screen), don't mind oscillating magnetic fields and low-level X-ray emissions striking your face and chest, or being involuntarily turned into a plate in a capacitor so your body builds up a static charge and your head attracts dust and other debris. Oh, and like spending hours fiddling with annoying on-screen menus trying to adjust all the various resolutions and refresh rates of PC software so the screen image reasonably follows the edge of the CRT tube, but never quite succeeding. I can't express in words the happiness I feel sitting here with an LCD and not having to bother with convergence, pincushioning, bowing and all that shit.

CRT isn't "superior technology", it's merely a piece of crap from mid-last-century that has outlived its usefulness because it's been reasonably cheap and easy to build, and well researched. Bleh.
Lcds are superior only if you don't care about anything other than desk space and sharpness ;)
As for all those things crts do to me.. well I'd imagine if any of those were any where as bad as you claim them to be then monitors would still carry a little sticker about it.. ya know like those old POS monitors had?
I don't have a problem with erm.. static discharging because of all the static elect that supposed builds up on me.
My monitor doesn't suffer from moire either, although my mothers does.. which isn't surprising given its dying (it emits a extremely high pitched noise).
Power is cheap btw.. i doubt 150 watts will really be noticeable on your power bill.
It doesn't take long at all to setup a CRT, it only takes a long time if you try to get it perfect.
Lcds are inferior to crts in all but a few ways here's what I'll admit, they're sharper, brighter, have better geometry (but I wouldn't call them perfect) and take up less desk space.
I'm more than confident that most decent calibrated CRTs would do better then all but the most expensive LCDs in a typical test suit.

ANova said:
LCDs are superior to CRTs in every way save contrast. I notice very little to no motion blur and I'm on a 16ms display, but I do notice the contrast ratio and backlight bleeding when watching movies. The newer LCDs with 4 or 8ms response times and 800:1 or greater contrast are quite nice, anyone who still complains are looking for reasons to complain imo.
If you honestly think lcds are anywhere near 800:1 contrast then you are helplessly ignorant of how lcd makers fudge numbers.
Ya know how much backlight bleeding I notice?
NONE because i don't use a display technology that doesn't suite the needs of watching movies or gaming in the dark.
Lcds are great for reading text (sharp and bright).. but for anything else no thanks.
As I was saying in my first post, you fall under the LCD snub who claims not to notice some of the down falls to lcd technology.
That's great for you, but my eyes function pretty well, save being slightly near sighted (25:20).
So are lcds superior for multiple resolutions? ya?.. I think not.
Even with my 7800GT/ 2 ghz A64 I can't run all games maxed at 1600x1200 (20" lcd res).
SS2 for example runs good at 1280x960 maxed (with HDR on) in all but a few areas.
So if you have a 1600x1200 native display, a 600 doller cpu/mobo/graphics card (aprox prices I got system for) doesn't have enough oomph for 1600x1200 native lcd, you're forced to drop down to 1280x1024 which results in the wonders of scaling.. ya know where it takes that nice sharp LCD you had at it's native res and makes it blurry? Ya that...
Of course you could get a 1280x1024 native res lcd.. but with my crt I have the option of 1600x1200.
So excuse me for clinging to an ancient technology that still suits my needs better- better blacks, does multiple resolutions better, has better colors/gamma curves suffers 0 ghosting (yes your lcd ghosts... you just can't notice it or have gotten used to it) and is also less expensive.
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Radeonic has never used the current level LCD techs.
He is like one of those 3dfx ******s.
Repeat the same crap over and over until your ears bleed.

Guden Oden said:
Superior only if you don't care about sharpness (perfect square discrete pixels of LCD), don't mind moiré shit, like faffing around with refresh rate "fixes" to stop screen flicker, don't mind a horrendous power draw either (150+ W for a big screen), don't mind oscillating magnetic fields and low-level X-ray emissions striking your face and chest, or being involuntarily turned into a plate in a capacitor so your body builds up a static charge and your head attracts dust and other debris. Oh, and like spending hours fiddling with annoying on-screen menus trying to adjust all the various resolutions and refresh rates of PC software so the screen image reasonably follows the edge of the CRT tube, but never quite succeeding. I can't express in words the happiness I feel sitting here with an LCD and not having to bother with convergence, pincushioning, bowing and all that shit.

CRT isn't "superior technology", it's merely a piece of crap from mid-last-century that has outlived its usefulness because it's been reasonably cheap and easy to build, and well researched. Bleh.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Radeonic has never used the current level LCD techs.
He is like one of those 3dfx ******s.
Repeat the same crap over and over until your ears bleed.
get the hell out of here you bugger.
You've proven in the past you're fucking blind so please get out.. adults are speaking here.
This isn't the place for people who stick items in their penis.

If a dell 2001FP isn't current enough tech for I'm sorry, but i'd expect a 600 doller display to atleast be comparable to my old CRT (cirva 1998) but that's not the case.
Seriously.. it's 600 US dollers.. that's how much I spent for my 7800GT and my mobo and cpu, and yet it still is a miserable display as far as I'm concerned.
I'm not going to spend more than my motherboard /cpu and 7800gt just so i can get something that's as good as my crt.
And I don't believe your ears will bleed from reading something ;)
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I must say I snickered a bit when G.Oden trots out the power draw argument against CRTs... when he totally dismisses the same argument when it comes to Intel CPUs. Which incidentally is in roughly the same magnitude, btw. Heh.

TFT and CRT have their advantages and disadvantages. But to say that TFT is superior in all aspects gets you tagged as a nincompoop in my book. Because that's easily proven NOT TRUE. It's not a matter of opinion, it's FACT. Those incontrovertible FACTS may not MATTER to you, however. That you _prefer_ to live with the drawbacks of TFTs over the drawbacks of CRTs, now that's an opinion.
