Laptop recommendations?

yeah, there's a lot of companies selling laptops that are Eurocom inside. a great deal of the gamer laptops are Eurocom inside. A friend bought one about half a year ago.... wow that thing is NICE and FAST. I love it, and if I had spare cash I'd buy mine own.
i'm too thinking of buying a laptop soon, and I guess I will buy from these guys. The fact that they have a community (check out their forum) that stands behind those laptops they sell is kind of reassuring. Also their resseller-rating is top-notch!

It also is one of the few places where I've a mobile processor (Pentium-M) with a decent mobile video card (MR9700-128MB) for a competitive price (less than $1600 for the slowest cpu) 8)

Only thing I'm missing now are a few $$$ (or €€€)... anyone feeling generous today ?! :mrgreen: