Kyro 3 Effectively Dead!


Aptitudinal Constituent
...according to that lump of dog poop that wants to consider themselves a news website-- The Inquirer. For the record, I don't believe it anymore than I believe their claims that NVIDIA is sending them untested drivers. But I figure the rest of you all seem so happy with the reporting those guys do, why stop now? In fact, lets link to every piece of garbage they try to call news, and give them thousands of hits on their website so they will have incentive to keep reporting more garbage!
Can you say tabloid? Worst quality too.

Apart from the thread title which is true, the rest he posts about PVR´s future in the PC space is just an assembly of unverified rumours and guestimates. Business as usual hm?



Do you really think anyone from the company has ever let any details out about it´s performance, let alone comparisons? When Harold said it would have been high-end released on time, that´s the only statement you can account as accurate.
Hmmm if you dont like the inquirer then dont read it. Fact is that sometimes they are right and fact is a lot of people go to their site because they have a lot of other news too. Fact is Mike Magee is an all round nice guy. Good luck to him.
Based on my own personal experience, Mike Magee is not a nice guy, and still think the Inquirer staff should go all work for National Enquirer or Sun with the way they post things up. I don't make it a habit of linking to their site or articles because I don't think subjecting my readers to a joke is a very bright thing. In any case, to each his own, and if you like the site, more power to you.
misae said:
Hmmm if you dont like the inquirer then dont read it.

I wish it was that simple, but due to the fact that 2/3ds of the recent threads have one or the other Inq rumor reference I have been reading it by proxy.
I guess with the Inquirer´s track record of being "right" in the past I could open easily a tabloid board too. All I´d need is read around some websites adn forums combine rumours, facts and possibilities and my lucky strikes will be exactly as much as theirs, as of course their misconceptions. What an achievement :rolleyes:
Ailuros said:

Do you really think anyone from the company has ever let any details out about it´s performance, let alone comparisons? When Harold said it would have been high-end released on time, that´s the only statement you can account as accurate.

No AIl I dont it was tongue in cheek my comment :)

Kristof, now is the time to let us in on PVR's real plans. C'mon, no one's listening--spill it. ;)
"Based on my own personal experience, Mike Magee is not a nice guy, and still think the Inquirer staff should go all work for National Enquirer or Sun with the way they post things up. I don't make it a habit of linking to their site or articles because I don't think subjecting my readers to a joke is a very bright thing. In any case, to each his own, and if you like the site, more power to you."

lol. Matt's right. More than half the crap the Inquirer post up never seems to come true. I wonder why :rolleyes:
He doesn´t need to. From their latest techdemo it´s quite obvious that they´ll shift into the sock puppet business :LOL:
Ailuros said:
He doesn´t need to. From their latest techdemo it´s quite obvious that they´ll shift into the sock puppet business :LOL:
Hey, that story ruled...i showed some grade 2s that demo and they loved it! :LOL:
KYRO is a trademark owned by ST, ST has decided to leave the graphics card business so obviously its highly unlikely that you will see another "KYRO(tm)" product unless the trademark is sold (and used) as well. I obviously can not discuss future products/technologies/partners/product names ;)

Sock Puppets... hmmm... I'd personally prefer the "village building" business or even bigger things... :LOL:

It seems the problem is not what The Inquirer writes but how you read it.

In essence, they say the same as Kristof.
Matt Burris said:
Based on my own personal experience, Mike Magee is not a nice guy, and still think the Inquirer staff should go all work for National Enquirer or Sun with the way they post things up. I don't make it a habit of linking to their site or articles because I don't think subjecting my readers to a joke is a very bright thing. In any case, to each his own, and if you like the site, more power to you.

The inquirer is a tabloid with the good and the bad that comes with that. IMO it's more good than bad.

They ask questions and get answers. They post rumours or intentionally wrong information.... - and get answers. Unlike most other sites, that just report on other sites updating on other sites etc.

As for being a nice guy, Mike Magee has been both pleasant and humorous the two times I've exchanged emails with him.

If that DX7 T&L chip is still being considered to be pushed out to retail, it'd be a mistake IMO. Just get the DX8 part out. And soon.
I second Reverend's opinion.

And I would like to see a high end PowerVR products... since the PCX2 days !
@ Kristof

Will there be any more major driver updates for Series3?
What about STG4800? Will this chip ever be released? I've heard an read that Hercules won't ship the Prophet 4800. Is that right? If so, is then there a chance to get EnT&L official for normal Kyro and Kyro II via driver update by PowerVR?
I know, many questions... It would be great if you could/may answer some of them!
