I'd concur with Phil, pretty much, and basically say "leave it be". (But then I'm always one for a light hand with moderating.)
The community is open, but seriously? Not all THAT active. I've seen some forums whip by at alarming pace that would do REALLY well for culling and tone adjustments, but B3D is nowhere near that in any of its forums right now. (It's very well-paced, IMHO, which is one reason I hang out here a lot now. ^_^ )
I hadn't meant my comment to start sparking a lot of poster/mod issues, I just wanted to say I don't think ChryZ intended to troll at all, but read the last comment from you, jvd, to refer to articles posted in close proximity. So far he's posted about 7 of these total over a stpread of 1-1.5 months, so it's not like this is some obscene pace, nor is the subject matter in all of them covering the same material each time. Granted many probably don't care about the posts (and a number of folks come into them and gripe) but obviously some DO, and each thread has its own chance to spark conversation or die out. If they're uninteresting they die out quickly--provided it doesn't spark a flame-war or heated arguement such as, say, this one.
In our lifespans were are probably ALL going to post many things that even a majority of others don't give a hoot about, and probably start many a headbutting contest. I mean we're all vocal and opinionated folks here, eh? I mean, if we're posting at ALL...
At any rate, I certainly don't think splitting the console forum is a good idea. It might be one of the busier forums on B3D, but it's certainly not busy enough to make them all active. (Plus, you immediately start getting people grouching at others who post something on Forum #C1 that they feel should instead go on #C2.
One MIGHT be best off with, yes, three sticky threads concerning each of the next consoles (Or even MS/N/S in general to cover the current gen) but not DEMAND that all associated threads go there. Leave them unmoderated but well-warned, and let those threads progress as they may. Sort of a "lightning rod" approach, as even if there's a lot of flaming going on out there, it'll attract that stuff THERE as opposed to leaking everywhere else. Maybe warn people if they post needlessly trollish topics/comments outside that they should take it to "the arena" as it were.
At least, it could be worth an experiment. <shrugs> Covers both worlds, wouldn't have to involve a lot of discerning moderating, and might let people get things "out of their system" someplace so it doesn't simply spill everywhere.
In fact, I rather like using "Arena" as the subject theme for 'em.