Kutaragi Ken: "WAN Cell Computing"

It be like if another member would create seprate threads for each feature set of the new xbox gpu. Why bother when they all work better in one thread. Simple . He is trolling.
Well, Deadmeat has been doing something like that for weeks and I don't see you handing him banning threats. Yeah, you locked one of his threads, but the main difference is, Chryz has been posting actual news (no matter how poorly translated) and Deadmeat's threads are *all* simple trolling in disguise, yet he gets with it more easily.
randycat99 said:
It's a fair bet to be a representative thought. Don't believe me? Betta-ask-somebody!... :oops:

So who do you represent? I could point out one or two exxtreexxme "The Others", who would probably go with your twisted suggestions, but that would bring more distress to this board. :oops:

If only we have more Panas and Marcs in "The Others" camp... :cry:
As usual, the intent of a post flies right over your head. I was saying that if you think you are universally liked or applauded on this board (as evidenced by your shocking "can do no wrong" persona), you are better off asking around about it real soon. (It is your error to interpret my post to mean that others here will necessarily agree in following my facetious forum innovation suggestion.) If you were to be gone from CT forum, not a lot of people would miss you. I know you could never believe this. That is why you should start asking around, now.

I'll head you off at the pass for your next remark by saying that I don't necessarily feel universally liked here, either. However, I certainly don't see myself in the same boat as you- not by a longshot.
I have tone down a lot nowadays, i am sure, apart from the exxtreexxme "The Others"(who are always so quick to bring up BAN/KILL/GONE so-and-so opposing members in any bickerfest of a topics.. :? ), the rest of the board are more willing to go along with me.

sigh...the Panas and Marcs, please save us.. :cry:
Hey, good job "toning it down"! Perhaps you could then join the rest of us by toning it down yet another 60% or so? Who knows if that would even work, as it relies on your ability to accurately read yourself and what you are doing. The prognosis so far on that would be on the dubious side, IMO. Go for it anyway, and see what happens...(but I still like my "anti"-forum idea better).
To post my two cents on this thread that is already OT:

I'm not sure if splitting the gaming forum into 4 subforums would be very wise. Basically at the moment, it's PS3/CELL that has a lot of speculation going on, while the other two are still quite uninteresting at this point. Splitting it up and we'd probably have 2 dead forums. As for keeping it all in one thread, no thanks. Obviously and despite JVD not noticing, CELL has many interesting (and obviously uninteresting) sides which all deserve their own thread as Vince nicely pointed out. There's really no harm done, since the uninteresting don't get much attention anyway - so why bother with such warnings?

IMO, the forums have been worse since the modding (honestly) as we're continuesly arguing with the mods, threads are being closed left right and center - this isn't quite what it used to be. The way things are going, one is not even allowed to post PS3 topics anymore. Gees. I am all for keeping it clean, but given the history of ChrysZ's posting, I see he's got good judgement of knowing where to post which news. Quite francly, most threads are quite interesting. I think as long as the community demands these topics (as it is obviously the case), there should be no need for such warnings.

Well, Deadmeat has been doing something like that for weeks and I don't see you handing him banning threats. Yeah, you locked one of his threads, but the main difference is, Chryz has been posting actual news (no matter how poorly translated) and Deadmeat's threads are *all* simple trolling in disguise, yet he gets with it more easily.

I do see behind the disguise, although IMO most of the points he brings are quite reasonable and valid concerns. As long as there are valid points backing up the other side, it's not quite trolling IMO - even though trolling might be the motive.
Join the rest of you? Meaning, lets keep whinning and tossing pathetic unfair accusations for banage of members as and when every "opportunity" arises?

Thanks but no thanks, i dont go that low. :)

Your anti- forums suggestions plain ass sucks. Easy as that. Vince and Paul ideas are MUCH better, MUCH spoken from a neutral and just POV. :oops:

Though i find the current console forums good enough, mods need to be more prudent(i agree with Marc that jvd's warning in this topic was unnecessary), members need to be less hippity hoppity and go jumping onto others.
Phil said:
To post my two cents on this thread that is already OT:

I'm not sure if splitting the gaming forum into 4 subforums would be very wise. Basically at the moment, it's PS3/CELL that has a lot of speculation going on, while the other two are still quite uninteresting at this point. Splitting it up and we'd probably have 2 dead forums. As for keeping it all in one thread, no thanks. Obviously and despite JVD not noticing, CELL has many interesting (and obviously uninteresting) sides which all deserve their own thread as Vince nicely pointed out. There's really no harm done, since the uninteresting don't get much attention anyway - so why bother with such warnings?

IMO, the forums have been worse since the modding (honestly) as we're continuesly arguing with the mods, threads are being closed left right and center - this isn't quite what it used to be. The way things are going, one is not even allowed to post PS3 topics anymore. Gees. I am all for keeping it clean, but given the history of ChrysZ's posting, I see he's got good judgement of knowing where to post which news. Quite francly, most threads are quite interesting. I think as long as the community demands these topics (as it is obviously the case), there should be no need for such warnings.

Well, Deadmeat has been doing something like that for weeks and I don't see you handing him banning threats. Yeah, you locked one of his threads, but the main difference is, Chryz has been posting actual news (no matter how poorly translated) and Deadmeat's threads are *all* simple trolling in disguise, yet he gets with it more easily.

I do see behind the disguise, although IMO most of the points he brings are quite reasonable and valid concerns. As long as there are valid points backing up the other side, it's not quite trolling IMO - even though trolling might be the motive.

Another good and level headed post. :)
See the difference people? See what i mean. ;)
I'd concur with Phil, pretty much, and basically say "leave it be". (But then I'm always one for a light hand with moderating.)

The community is open, but seriously? Not all THAT active. I've seen some forums whip by at alarming pace that would do REALLY well for culling and tone adjustments, but B3D is nowhere near that in any of its forums right now. (It's very well-paced, IMHO, which is one reason I hang out here a lot now. ^_^ )

I hadn't meant my comment to start sparking a lot of poster/mod issues, I just wanted to say I don't think ChryZ intended to troll at all, but read the last comment from you, jvd, to refer to articles posted in close proximity. So far he's posted about 7 of these total over a stpread of 1-1.5 months, so it's not like this is some obscene pace, nor is the subject matter in all of them covering the same material each time. Granted many probably don't care about the posts (and a number of folks come into them and gripe) but obviously some DO, and each thread has its own chance to spark conversation or die out. If they're uninteresting they die out quickly--provided it doesn't spark a flame-war or heated arguement such as, say, this one. ;)

In our lifespans were are probably ALL going to post many things that even a majority of others don't give a hoot about, and probably start many a headbutting contest. I mean we're all vocal and opinionated folks here, eh? I mean, if we're posting at ALL... :)

At any rate, I certainly don't think splitting the console forum is a good idea. It might be one of the busier forums on B3D, but it's certainly not busy enough to make them all active. (Plus, you immediately start getting people grouching at others who post something on Forum #C1 that they feel should instead go on #C2.

One MIGHT be best off with, yes, three sticky threads concerning each of the next consoles (Or even MS/N/S in general to cover the current gen) but not DEMAND that all associated threads go there. Leave them unmoderated but well-warned, and let those threads progress as they may. Sort of a "lightning rod" approach, as even if there's a lot of flaming going on out there, it'll attract that stuff THERE as opposed to leaking everywhere else. Maybe warn people if they post needlessly trollish topics/comments outside that they should take it to "the arena" as it were. ;)

At least, it could be worth an experiment. <shrugs> Covers both worlds, wouldn't have to involve a lot of discerning moderating, and might let people get things "out of their system" someplace so it doesn't simply spill everywhere.

In fact, I rather like using "Arena" as the subject theme for 'em. :)
PC-Engine said:
There seems to be a lot of relatively new members creeping here from the Grand Tourismo Forums which is 99% pro-SONY ;)

Are you being serious? What do you base that on (them being pro-Sony), if you are being serious?
randycat99 said:
PC-Engine said:
There seems to be a lot of relatively new members creeping here from the Grand Tourismo Forums which is 99% pro-SONY ;)

Are you being serious? What do you base that on (them being pro-Sony), if you are being serious?

Well, if you don't bash Sony, then you must be pro-Sony. :LOL:

This thread is going insane.
chaphack said:
Join the rest of you? Meaning, lets keep whinning and tossing pathetic unfair accusations for banage of members as and when every "opportunity" arises?

No, if you toned it down another 60% (which you seem irreconciliable to, evidently), there wouldn't be any need "whine about bans", would there? Besides, it only seems like you are worried about the "frequent" talk about bans (See how "frequent" is in quotes? That means you are being a bit too self-conscious about it). Why is that? 60% That's all we're askin' for, Scotty.

Thanks but no thanks, i dont go that low. :)

Cryin' to your moderator about topics you don't like isn't going low?

Your anti- forums suggestions plain ass sucks. Easy as that. Vince and Paul ideas are MUCH better, MUCH spoken from a neutral and just POV. :oops:

It sucks ass to you, which is completely understandable. You should look on the bright side. You get an entire forum to say whatever you please! Seems like an ultimate wish come true, no? Don't worry, you'll have plenty of people to visit you. It's not like your topics don't draw a lot of attention. I don't see my suggestion ever happenning as it was more of a playful joke, but you seem to be awfully threatened over it for no good reason.

Though i find the current console forums good enough, mods need to be more prudent(i agree with Marc that jvd's warning in this topic was unnecessary), members need to be less hippity hoppity and go jumping onto others.

That won't be a problem at all, once one little thing (or 2) is done. [/chap] :D :p No worries!
randycat99 said:
PC-Engine said:
There seems to be a lot of relatively new members creeping here from the Grand Tourismo Forums which is 99% pro-SONY ;)

Are you being serious? What do you base that on (them being pro-Sony), if you are being serious?

Well because it's a forum for a SONY made game for a SONY console therefore if you don't own a SONY console but are there to praise Xbox or GCN or DC you get a SONY lynch mob after you ;)

...especially anything that shows DC was better than PS2 in some ways...

They couldn't accept the reality that older/cheaper hardware was in some ways superior than their favorite console.

However that was a couple of years ago immediately pre/post Xbox/GCN launch as the PS2 fans were getting totally defensive about better hardware from the competition. Back then you can't say anyting negative about SONY and not get the brigade after you :LOL:

It was really sad IMO because Kenji who owns the site is not pro-SONY at all...he likes all the consoles from a technical perspective and doesn't have any problems pointing out flaws in each architecture.

I guess it's a little different now because the appointed moderator (novicious) for the games forum owns an Xbox and praises it openly instead of his PS2 ;)

Well, if you don't bash Sony, then you must be pro-Sony.

Read above ;)
:LOL: giving up randy? So now you admit your twisted and stupid idea is but a "playful joke"? There is no threat to stupidity, just stupidity itself. :)

hmmhmm, wonder what be happens if i do my *own* "playful joke". Are you guys sporting enough to chuck it down? :oops:
PC-Engine said:
randycat99 said:
PC-Engine said:
There seems to be a lot of relatively new members creeping here from the Grand Tourismo Forums which is 99% pro-SONY ;)

Are you being serious? What do you base that on (them being pro-Sony), if you are being serious?

Well because it's a forum for a SONY made game for a SONY console therefore if you don't own a SONY console but are there to praise Xbox or GCN or DC you get a SONY lynch mob after you ;)

As I had imagined, a cheap, cheap deduction. Do feel like Dr. Holmes for coming up with that? You couldn't be farther from the truth. There are vocal supporters of each console there. It is far from a pro-Sony tone there- certainly not 99%. You know that saying about not to read a book by its cover? Don't let that notion that it is GranTurismo themed and GT is a Sony game fool you. That website has grown and evolved far from its beginnings. Your foot cannot be any farther wedged in mouth at this point.

BTW, if you are so certain that B3D is being deluged from pro-Sony members from GTF, why don't you name them (usernames there and their corresponding identities here)? Put up or drop the BS assertions. I'll go on record, and say I have been there for a while. I'm certainly not blindly pro-Sony, though. I just believe that fair defense should be given when misinformation is being shoveled- there or here. You'll also find that my input there in the videogames forum has been almost nill for quite a while.

I guess it's a little different now because the appointed moderator for the games forum owns an Xbox and praises it openly instead of his PS2 ;)

You should also be observant that not only the moderator but numerous members there have an Xbox. Should this mean something? There's people there that own any combination or single choice of console. We've learned to respect (somewhat) and (more importantly) tolerate each other there. We don't go out of our way to poke someone else in the eye over something as stupid as console choice. It's finally settled down to what is most important- the games, talking about the games... You'll also note the absolute dearth of PS3 topics there. Not so pro-Sony is it? It is comfortably console neutral, believe it or not.

It's unfortunate, though. Your little post is probably now going to set a few vocal members here off to cause trouble there now in their peaceful corner of the Internet. GTF has only YOU to thank for this... Have a toast to yourself. You've really earned it this time.

I'd think it is only professional of the moderators here warn the moderators there of specific new IP's to watch for, who may be causing trouble for them in the near future. It's the right thing to do, given the unwise choices that PC-Engine has undertaken with regard to mentioning GTF.
chaphack said:
:LOL: giving up randy? So now you admit your twisted and stupid idea is but a "playful joke"? There is no threat to stupidity, just stupidity itself. :)

Only YOU could have not picked up that it was a suggestion made nonseriously, the first time it was posted. Do you honestly believe the moderators would go for that? So why do you think someone who suggests it would be serious. THINK, for God's sakes! :rolleyes:
randycat99 said:
chaphack said:
:LOL: giving up randy? So now you admit your twisted and stupid idea is but a "playful joke"? There is no threat to stupidity, just stupidity itself. :)

Only YOU could have not picked up that it was a suggestion made nonseriously, the first time it was posted. Do you honestly believe the moderators would go for that? So why do you think someone who suggests it would be serious. THINK, for God's sakes! :rolleyes:

It was a randycat99's post. I couldnt be sure. :LOL:
chaphack said:
That is just one SUPER LAME post. At least Vince and Paul tried to make some nice suggestions, YOU = *yawn* typically the worst "The Others" behavior so far, silly.

This comming from the guy who posts PS3 specs in an XBox thread twice after I asked him not so he can show us which number are bigger and troll. Chap, I realize I have little room to talk in this discussion - atleast realize that you have even less.

Hey, maybe you can post another thread about the "Shiney Shine"?