Krispy Kreme Bacon Cheeseburgers! Lutherburgers!

Hey, I eat right most of the time. :D I'm the proper weight for my height, and stuff. But I'm a big fan of food, and always willing to try something new. :)
I'll gladly have a try at those cheeseburgers if that's not real donuts. I hate sugar, and donuts suck! fat is tasteful, sugar is for children.

As an American my mind boggles at such a statement.

At this juncture you might as well forgo the pretense of enjoyment and inject fat directly into your ass with reverse liposuction(tm).

If you are capable of eating that, and keeping it down, you need a priest to perform an exorcism; you are not human.

I can eat a large (15" diameter) deluxe pizza and a 6-pack of beer in one sitting. Though, no, I do not attempt that feat on any regular basis.
At this juncture you might as well forgo the pretense of enjoyment and inject fat directly into your ass with reverse liposuction(tm).

What pretense? My mouth waters just looking at those burgers.
I did that recently : low end, 800g rectangular thick pizza with some symbolic tomato and cheese and miserable little squares of ham.. but augmented with lardons, cream and fried onion along with some goat cheese :)
(we were three on it)
I think those would probably taste good, but come on! Donuts as a bun? The whole purpose of a bun is to make it so that you don't get your hands all dirty while eating the thing! I hate getting my hands all sticky while eating donuts, and it'd be darned near unavoidable when eating this burger, so I'll pass, thanks.
I dont eat any meal without washing my hands after.
I only wash my hands after if I managed to get them dirty, which is very rare. If you're worried about hygiene, it's infinitely more important to wash your hands before the meal, but then, I usually don't do that either.
I'm definitely going to try these in a couple weeks, but sadly I can't eat Krispy Kreme. I'll have to pick up some gluten-free donuts from the Whole Foods Bakery. I'm even going to eat french fries! Take that you health nuts.

Add some potato chips for extra crunch :devilish:
Jeez I could feel my heart slowing down....

That said I can finish a large peperonni and mushroom pizza on my own in 1 sitting easy. I am 5'9" and 150 lbs. I also nearly finished the grande burrito or wahtever it is called from Cheesecake Factory. Had a bite or 2 left but thats because I od'ed on bread :LOL: