KILLZONE Shadow Fall [PS4]

Evidently new Shadowfall campaign blowout thurs on GTTV


New next gen footage, excite!
I am more keen in new AI or gameplay enhancement. KZ2 warehouse was interesting. KZ3 AI was good but not so memorable. I wonder why.
Presumably they'd be at least as smart as the ones in KZ2 or 3. Of course I don't know how much fun it could be fighting against so many AI all gunning for you (though being a super soldier helps). Dynamic battles with pesky AI in more open areas is all I'm hoping for.
AI cannot get too realistic. Otherwise the player won't be able to win their one-man army campaigns against overwhelming odds. In real wars, equal intelligence on both sides leads to protracted combat and high casualties, which transposed to a computer game would mean high odds of the player getting killed the longer they fought. The only way high AI and massive numbers can be countered by a solo soldier is through an insane technological advantage (like shields). Or, I guess, the battlefield could be realistic with AI on both side, the player playing alongside fellow troops, and the player sitting back a bit and letting them take all the flack and trigger all the mines and stuff. Your comrades would sure love your contribution to the war then!
True Shifty but probably more challenging AI is what GG aims to achieve and hopefully they will avoid some behaviors that are not believable like hive mid or perfect awareness.
Realistic AI anyway doesn't mean perfect tactical thinking or prefect aim, in real life soldiers make mistakes so in theory a realistic AI would make mistakes.

BTW the shadow marshal definitely has a tech advantage over the standard Helghasts infantry so it might really be that in SF balance is achieved as you said by giving the players better tools, shields are among them, and not by setting the AI to "retard".
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@ShiftyGeezer: I agree that a perfect opponent AI would make the games unplayable, but realistic isn't necessarily perfect. They could be horrible shots, for example :) But when you take out an enemy next to another enemy, one can expect the other one to freak out instead of continuing its daily chores.
@ShiftyGeezer: I agree that a perfect opponent AI would make the games unplayable, but realistic isn't necessarily perfect. They could be horrible shots, for example :)
Like Imperial Stormtroopers, eh?

But when you take out an enemy next to another enemy, one can expect the other one to freak out instead of continuing its daily chores.
How trained is the enemy army supposed to be? If you're fighting militia or rookie recruits, perhaps. If you're fighting battle-hardened veterans, I wouldn't expect much psychological impact of war on bots except for overwhelming odds. I got the impression from the little KZ I've played that the Helghast are pretty hardcore and I wouldn't imagine any of them breaking down into tears or huddling in the foetal position on the battlefield.
How trained is the enemy army supposed to be? If you're fighting militia or rookie recruits, perhaps. If you're fighting battle-hardened veterans, I wouldn't expect much psychological impact of war on bots except for overwhelming odds. I got the impression from the little KZ I've played that the Helghast are pretty hardcore and I wouldn't imagine any of them breaking down into tears or huddling in the foetal position on the battlefield.

But i'd love to see that in a game.
The teammates that you rescue at some point seemed pretty 'huddled' already in that demo level. ;)

But yeah, it would be pretty cool to see AI having a breakdown.

Helghast are merciless and fearless per-culture.
his own city and Radec killed his subordinates.
They don't' panic if the man next to them dies nor get hysterical in the middle of the battle and scream "we are doomed".
Also based on my experience with the MP medics don't really care and gladly let you die even if you are 1 meter in front of them ;)
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Storm troopers came to my mind when I wrote that, actually...

When I was talking about freaking out, I meant we used to have AI that kept walking like absolutely nothing happened when you shot his buddy. Those days are well over but it was just an example :)

Helghast are merciless and fearless per-culture.
his own city and Radec killed his subordinates.
They don't' panic if the man next to them dies nor get hysterical in the middle of the battle and scream "we are doomed".
Also based on my experience with the MP medics don't really care and gladly let you die even if you are 1 meter in front of them ;)

They're coming out of the walls....! Game over man, game over!
Storm troopers came to my mind when I wrote that, actually...

When I was talking about freaking out, I meant we used to have AI that kept walking like absolutely nothing happened when you shot his buddy. Those days are well over but it was just an example :)
Oh, as in take cover, actually responding to the threat, as opposed to blithely ignoring the danger. Yeah, AI that can be attacked without responding is a staple of some game types. Hack-n-slash RPG's have often presented the opportunity to attack from range without the enemy responding at all. And we do still have daft games where an enemy can hear a gunshot, see a dead colleague, look around warily, and then after a few moments, the danger is 'over' and the guard goes back to walking his route as if nothing had happened. AI like that probably does need improving somehow, except in the case of stealth games, it'd mean lots of restarts as one mistake would result in your capture (everyone would be on high alert until you were caught).

Regards KZ, I don't recall anything amiss in KZ2 in their behaviour. It was 'good enough' for me, as a casual FPS player.