Killzone: first pics

The motion blur here looks like a step ahead from MGS2 (where it was used pretty much only in cutscenes, and for some special effects ingame) and from the look of things they apply it here only on some really fadt moving objects (you can see that MB is not applied to everything)

The blur that you can see here is definitely something more complex (or at least different) than what is used in MGS2:


I don't think that any game actually uses the effect the way *I think* is used here.
Ahhhhhh motion blur....alternative AA to PS2. Told you so. Most PS2 games should have it more often than not, it be better to "conceal" the terrible IQ output of the hardware and at the same times feel techie cool! 8)
Yes, because games have been striving to do away with motion blur completely over the years. "Oh lord, if only we could figure out a way to not have to utilize this horrible motion blur that does nothing beneficial for our games, and we would only like to use to hide things!"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
"conceal" the terrible IQ output of the hardware
Terrible IQ output is not caused by the hardware. There are several titles, which are proving this statement incorrect, like BG:DA, SC2. There is nothing to conceal, it's all about coding effort. Blame Sony's developer support in the past or a few incapable developers ... if you have to blame anybody :rolleyes:
like BG:DA, SC2
BGDA: yes, but thats only PS2 title(by far) that exhibits as good as an IQ on any console
SC2: no

Go take a look at SC1 and you will see how shimmery and grainy SC2 looks in comparison. Its a long drawn fact that PS2 IQ output is the lowest amongst the 4 next gen consoles. Surprised that people are still hanging on to the !Sony poor support! excuse for PS2 poor video display. :?
yes lack of mipmaps are a btch when you cannot trilinear filter *shrugs*.

Surprised that people are still hanging on to the !Sony poor support! excuse for PS2 poor video display.

the point was that object blur is a legit rendering tech and the jab at ps2 IQ is irrelement in this case.
chaphack said:
like BG:DA, SC2
BGDA: yes, but thats only PS2 title(by far) that exhibits as good as an IQ on any console
SC2: no

Go take a look at SC1 and you will see how shimmery and grainy SC2 looks in comparison. Its a long drawn fact that PS2 IQ output is the lowest amongst the 4 next gen consoles. Surprised that people are still hanging on to the !Sony poor support! excuse for PS2 poor video display. :?
One title is enough to prove your statment incorrect, but it isn't keeping you from shooting you own foot ... interesting :rolleyes:
ChryZ said:
One title is enough to prove your statment incorrect, but it isn't keeping you from shooting you own foot ... interesting :rolleyes:

So you take pride in one title over dozens of others? So one title alone, that makes use of a static fixed pulled out cam, is going to make PS2 IQ amongst the best? :rolleyes:

I learnt in school that the larger the sample, the more water it is able to hold. Sorry but PS2, without a doubt, has the worst IQ this gen. FACT. ;)
chaphack said:
So you take pride in one title over dozens of others? So one title alone, that makes use of a static fixed pulled out cam, is going to make PS2 IQ amongst the best? :rolleyes:
One title is enough to prove your original statment wrong: that's it, nothing more nothing less ... this was not about the "best of this gen" or any other assertion.

ChryZ said:
chaphack said:
Ahhhhhh motion blur....alternative AA to PS2. Told you so. Most PS2 games should have it more often than not, it be better to "conceal" the terrible IQ output of the hardware and at the same times feel techie cool! 8)
Terrible IQ output is not caused by the hardware. There are several titles, which are proving this statement incorrect, like BG:DA, SC2. There is nothing to conceal, it's all about coding effort.

chaphack said:
I learnt in school that the larger the sample, the more water it is able to hold. Sorry but PS2, without a doubt, has the worst IQ this gen. FACT. ;)
Again, this was not discussed here nor will be.

Stop derailing the thread ... this will be my last posting on this issue, I am not here to discipline or educate other people's children. I am back to chap-ignore-mode ...
chaphack said:
Its a long drawn fact that PS2 IQ output is the lowest amongst the 4 next gen consoles.

Surprised that people are still hanging on to the !Sony poor support!

Maybe you see something that others cant. Chap, stop being pathetic, you are going too far....
Eh, i dont know whats up with you guys here? I am just stating the fact that PS2 has the poorest IQ. Nothing wrong with that? You can say Xbox is dead in Japan, i agree. You can also say that ATi > Nvidia in IQ, i agree too. Sony is crushing the competition today, no probs with me. Its its. Thats thats.

Whats with the accusation... :?
Is this IQ, Intelligent Quotient? If so, the PS2 requires the most effort. Hideo said straight out that the quality of the graphics is proportional to the effort and money invested into it. The other ones are like "free shiney graphics for retards" <- woah, trollfood

Remember, bumpmap is only a modern form of the poor mans raytracing, ENVIRONMENT MAP. LOL.

And I am looking forward to Killzone. It looks k-rad.
Chap said:
I learnt in school
I thought it's still called kindergarden at your age? :oops:

Anyway, if you want to argue PS2 as a software platform has the worst average IQ, then perhaps you might have a case (either way it's a debate I will not go into myself).
If you're arguing PS2 as hardware, your own evidence is against you so far.
Ok, enough people! The last thing I wanted, was to create a lynch mob. Back to the topic ...

I really dig this screenshot, the scale of the area, the detailed character:

Both screens, same scene, different perspective ... neat:


First HL2, now Killzone ... damn it, I enjoyed so much to hate first-person-shooter :devilish:
BGDA: yes, but thats only PS2 title(by far) that exhibits as good as an IQ on any console
Err, BGDA does actual full screen antialiasing and in that regard looks not only as good as 'anything' but as good as other (very) few titles on other consoles that do the same thing.

Go take a look at SC1 and you will see how shimmery and grainy SC2 looks in comparison
You have got to be kidding. I had SC1 and SC2 demo on PS2 running side by side, and SC1 looks much worse in every regard, there's just no arguing there.

Threre's definitely bunch of PS2 titles that have excellent image quality, no matter what the average game's IQ is. Just couple of games I know have very good IQ on PS2 are (besides obvious BG:DA, BG:DA2, Champions of Norrath, that all use same antialiasing method):
ZOE2, TR:AOD, NBA:S2, Burnout 2, Frequency, Amplitude, Jak 2, Ace Combat 4, Tekken Tag, Tekken 4, LOTR:TT, SH3 (despite odd texture shimmer in a couple of places, the game looks sharp as hell)