Kick Off Revival [PS4, PSV]


Kick Off, Kick Off 2 and Player Manager must be the football games that I spent most time with in my life. Pure skill based (and exploit ie crash the game when you are loosing).

So happy to see it coming back again.

Eurogamer mention

But I like this one better (its in Norwegian, so you need to translate it with your favorit translation tool)

I will lock myself in, turn of my phone and play this, I'll even take days of work if needed :D and then I'll probably bring a Vita to the office to finally get something worthwhile out of meetings.....

Ohhh Dino Dini is on twitter, lot of crap about other games (Sensible Soccer), game industry and clones etc pure slagfest at times. But I do not care I just want a new kick off and I so desperately want it to be good.
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I got a feeling that this thread will be my "Scott_Arm NHL hockey thread" :) But I do not care and I can't wait for Q2 and the release date.
So lets see

If this is the biggest issue now, bloody hell release it right away :D
But does it work when viewed through a modern lens? Yes, mostly. We played a match on an early version of the game, although it can't be that early, as the team are "aggressively" pursuing a release at some point in Q2 2016. Actually, when you look at it from that perspective, there's still plenty to do, because while the core of the game is there, and you can run your players around the pitch and kick the ball, there's work to be done on the animations of the players (most notably the goalkeepers) and the visual effect when you put the ball in the back of the net (we saw the net bulge unconvincingly twice as we beat a fellow journo 2-0), there's a bit of work to do if this is going to be a polished product.
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Two posts in the same day

I’ve always felt that FIFA and PES are fairly accurate representations of football. I mean, I know they’re not one to one representations – the fact that people talk about “FIFA goals” makes that clear – but they seem like they capture football to a fairly good standard.
Ten minutes with Kick Off Revival makes it clear that, in many ways, those behemoths have got it completely wrong.
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I'm looking forward to this...hope the price is right, just won't feel the same when not playing with one of these:

I did like it, but it had a lot of issues that Sensible Soccer fixed a
I'm looking forward to this...hope the price is right, just won't feel the same when not playing with one of these:

I am really unsure about controlling it with a PS controller. But Dino Dini has said that the analog sticks should be better, due to having more than 8 directions. But the left hand/thumb vs a joystick controlled with the right hand (no do not go there :) ) will be interesting.
I did like it, but it had a lot of issues that Sensible Soccer fixed a

Got to disagree with you, Sensible was slower and less exciting in my view. Kick Off was this mad demolition derby of skill :)
Hmm, I had more fun with Sensi. Though Soccer64 is probably my most played soccer game ever ... :p
Got to disagree with you, Sensible was slower and less exciting in my view. Kick Off was this mad demolition derby of skill :)

Yeah, I didn't like Sensi either but we are in a minority :(

The Ball would not follow you when changing direction in kick off. I hated that.

KO required time to learn and I can see why people didn't like it, listening to Dino Dini in that interview it sounds this will be the same - simple to play, hard to master and the more you put in the more you get out. I entered a competition back in the day and came runner up...the thing that I hated about the game was every now and then the keeper was unbeatable...and that's what I was up against in the final! :(
There's still a yearly KO world cup - I recently purchased a PC adapter for the joystick I pictured above to have a bit of nostalgic fun...I can't wait for this to come out.
i was like 9-10 years olds and i never liked football and football games anyway, the worst thing was when my older brother and friends were monopolizing our atari ST a whole afternoon playing that game, it drove me mad ! I HATE YOU KICK OFF !
Hmm, I had more fun with Sensi. Though Soccer64 is probably my most played soccer game ever ... :p

For me, Sensi had the better tournament/league stuff, but gameplay wise, it was Kick Off 2. I remember I was disappointed with Dino Dini Goal.

First consule fotball gamle I played was

and I remember how my mind got blown when I saw International Soccer on the Commodore 64.
The Ball would not follow you when changing direction in kick off. I hated that.

Well that is just partly true, since it would if you timed it right. It was also easier to time it right when you ran slower, basically like real football.
Props to the players today, the speed they run at and still are able to control the ball is sick.
I entered a competition back in the day and came runner up...the thing that I hated about the game was every now and then the keeper was unbeatable...and that's what I was up against in the final! :(
There's still a yearly KO world cup - I recently purchased a PC adapter for the joystick I pictured above to have a bit of nostalgic fun...I can't wait for this to come out.

We used to have Kick Off 2 weekends doing our own tournaments, man that was fun. And the abuse you got for hitting the corner flag and getting the game to crash was serious :)

Worst was when you happend to do it on accident, for instance tackling a guy and the ball took a weird hit and ended up hitting the flag and the game crashing.
lol, I can see what he's saying but something in particular makes me wonder how much is bias lies...he states "Receiving rave reviews everywhere (the lowest being Amiga Action with 90%, the highest Amiga Power and The One both with 93%), it leaps to the top of the charts immediately."

then later "TRUTH 2 - Sensible Soccer received a higher average review score from ALL magazines on its release than either Kick Off game, not just Amiga Power or one reviewer."

Well on Wiki KO got better scores all round, AA @ 93% and The One @ 96% so not quite sure what he's talking about.

I remember the C64 footy game tho, it was great because you also got replays...also the mention of Tehkan World Cup is nice, my favorite arcade game ever - I fitted a trackball to my MAME cabinet mainly for that game lol

edit clearly KO2 reviews better than Sensi on Amiga, maybe he was talking about the ST version!?;

Sensi Soccer
Kick Off 2

yeah - on reading further he sounds like a bitter ST user, being the owner of the vastly superior Amiga I can LOL from my ivory tower.
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Well Jon Hare is doing his Sociable Soccer to, so we might get the rivalry again.

IMHO, Sensible released later than Kick Off, probably copied/improved a few features and was something new/fresh. I did play alot of Sensible to, one reason it was easier to get new people into the game and get them playing decently quicker. I attribute that to the fact that SS was a slower game than KO.
I also remember that I went back to KO when I got tried of SS. Then girls and alcohol really took over and no games where played.

Anyway, the mandatory update
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Well Jon Hare is doing his Sociable Soccer to, so we might get the rivalry again.

IMHO, Sensible released later than Kick Off, probably copied/improved a few features and was something new/fresh. I did play alot of Sensible to, one reason it was easier to get new people into the game and get them playing decently quicker. I attribute that to the fact that SS was a slower game than KO.
I also remember that I went back to KO when I got tried of SS. Then girls and alcohol really took over and no games where played.

Anyway, the mandatory update

Well the folk who made Sensi Soccer also made Microprose Soccer (1988) which you can easily argue Kick Off (1989) copied and improved on (and you can argue MS is just a copy of Tehkan World Cup (1985)).

And I wouldn't say Sensi was slower, just that it was like the FIFA of the time, easy to pick up and play the worlds most popular sport. I mean, any decent football game player will know PES is better than FIFA but FIFA easily outsells/is more popular with the masses.

This is why the arguement posted by Arwin (World of Stuart) is completely flawed. We all know that being the most popular does not mean the best but he implies it does.
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