Just met the world of scripting


Retarded moron
I've done scripting before, however it isn't the same when the scripting language you are working in is dynamic and ties into your normal programming routine.


I'm learning how to use this, so far it's amazing as to what it can do.
Dynamic typing is awesome(I remember saying this before in a discussion about Ruby).
No more need for things such as Vector2f. Instead "v = Vector2(0.0, 0.0)" or "v = Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f)".
Closures are supported.
Classpath modifications, so I can import my assignments and dynamically modify things from within my code to test it before it gets finalised.
I'm wondering if this can output into bytecode for re-use.

I wonder if there is anything like this for C++. Interpreted C++ would be awesome to sort out bugs and really mess around with things.

Soon I will be loading in OpenGL libs (LWJGL) into my scripting to complete my second assignment for Computer Graphics, then write it into C++.
Testing out algorithms on a scripting language saves heaps of time.
I can't believe I only realised the usefulness of this just recently, I've read and been told millions of times before that scripting can save tremendous amounts of time but I've never personally realised it until I got myself a complex problem, scripted it and compared it to production code.

Debugging complex code is hard. Debugging scripted code is easy.
Finalise the algorithm in the scripting stage and throw it into the fire after sorting it out.
It takes very little time to go from A -> B, even if you're implementing a complex design.

Anyway, I would like to know what the rest of you use scripting languages?
Database code?
Graphics algorithms?
I've yet to make heavy use of scripting in my technology, but it is something I hope to use much more in the future. I reckon I could have simplified both the development process and the code-base 100-fold by using scripting in our current game.

When I do get around to it, I intend to start with "GameMonkey" - GameDev.net has a series of articles about it - Part 1, Part 2. Strikes me as a good all-rounder suited to the sort of work I'd want it to do.

I'd ideally like to completely refactor my UI code into GM scripts driven by an XML format. I'm pretty sure its possible, I just haven't had time to try it yet!

I use a variety of script based languages. Which one depends on the task at hand.

Given your aim of getting into the games industry it would probably be worth your while looking int LUA. It is apparantly used quite a bit in games for the scripting language.

After reading about first hand experiences of developers in the game industry I'm more likely going to end up going indie.

I've used and looked at LUA but it never really tickled my goat.

Captain Chickenpants said:
I use a variety of script based languages. Which one depends on the task at hand.

Given your aim of getting into the games industry it would probably be worth your while looking int LUA. It is apparantly used quite a bit in games for the scripting language.


Do most games have thier own built in interpreters(like Doom 3) or do they use what's available?
K.I.L.E.R said:
Do most games have thier own built in interpreters(like Doom 3) or do they use what's available?
Python also seems to be gaining ground in this regard.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Do most games have thier own built in interpreters(like Doom 3) or do they use what's available?
Difficult to say - there isn't really a clear answer. Full blown AAA engines will probably want to invest in this sort of thing (e.g. your UE3's/D3's/CryEngine's) as they can get a return on the investment of implementing their own scripting engine. A good scripting language/environment is no small project...

Other engines and/or smaller projects will most likely want to "import" a 3rd party library/component that handles the nitty-gritty for them.

Take a look at those GM articles I linked to - there are some examples of how you can pull in the GM machine into your application quite easily.
