just a link (no i don't want to comment)

Legion said:
kyleb said:
well i'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest the possibility that sheep brains might be a bit easier to analyse than human brains.

but anyway Legion, do you doubt any possablity that your bi-sexuality is a physically inherent trait?

i've come to the conclusion that it is not inherent. I have lists of reasons why (namely sexuality is not dimorphic: having two forms). In terms of orientations there are numerous forms. Pedophilia, Bisexuality, Homo and heterosexuality, necrophilia, etc etc. Can all of these things be explained on a genetic lvl? Have they been explained? No. Generally evolutionary psychologists turn to circular logic when "supporting" their rants with evidence. For example suggesting relationship are a mechanism evolved to create offspring. This is utter bullshit of course because their reasoning doesn't adequately explain infidelity, abortion, contraception, and sexual behaviors such as anal sex which would never render pregnancy....hopefully....Do they bother to explain this behaviors? No, they avoid addressing them. This is why i see evolutionary psychology, as it applies to humans, as one of the largest farces of the 20th century.

Very hippocritical using a logical falasy to dismis a supposed logical falasy. (If you don't know what I'm talking about look it up). First of all theories are not rants, by their very nature they have to be thought out and backed up with evidence that can be prooven. Secondly you have not done this, instead you yourself have ranted without evidence or reason.. again showing hipocicy. Thirdly the reason for creating offspring is not intrinsically linked with defects. You have managed to convenientley ignore human defects in this argument because it supports your view (and no I'm not calling gays defects, but as far as their ability to procreate goes from an evolutionary perspective they are handicapped).

Infidelity is a weakness, which evolution would normally wipe out, our inteligence has counteracted that. Contraception and abartion are social issues and side effects of human sociligy, something which clearly, you have no semblance of.

Oh and a tip, try to make a post without rolling your eyes, and accept than man who knows most will admit he knows nothing. Acting superior hurts your argument more than you can possibly imagine.