Legion said:
You make it seem as though its particularly odd they'd have a case catcher. Do we even know the type of rifles they are using? My bet are AKs
If there really were 60 to 70 guerrillas, why would they want to pretend that there were far fewer of them? Last I checked, guerrilla movements liked to inflate their numbers, so as not to appear to be just a small fringe group of fanatics, even if they were.
Do you actually think they knew in advance that they were going to be nearly wiped out, and so they wen't through a huge, elaborate ritual to hide all the case shells to make their numbers seem smaller? And then to bury 46 to 54 bodies, (with the exception of 8 civillians), in a secret, unknown location? Even acknowledging that there was some exaggeration, (we'll say for the sake of argument that only 20 to 30 rebels were killed), there has been ZERO evidence to back it up. Nothing, not even blood trails, not to even begin discussing mass graves. You would think that given the amount of flack the military has been taking regarding this story, they would at least make SOME effort to validate their claims.
Coincidentally, 46 dead and 20 wounded seems to correspond pretty nicely to 8 dead and 55 wounded, don't you think? Could it be that anyone they shot they counted as dead, and that they didnt' stick around to determine whether they were dead or alive, civilian or guerrilla?
This isn't the first time something like this has happened in recent memory. I have a buddy serving with the 82nd Airborne who just got back from Afghanistan. He was involved in
this battle. He told me that the claims of 18 dead were completely made up, and said that there were in fact only 2 people killed.
But whatever, Legion. Keep looking for "the Truth" in your Ann Coulter and
http://www.gun-rack.com articles. Facts and evidence be damned.