Jak 2 vs Jak 3 graphics


I just finish playing Jak 3 today.

Both games looks fantastic, but I personally find Jak 2 looks better and have a lot more variety in the environment than Jak 3, plus, there are a lot more area in Jak 2 that you can revisit. Jak 3 environment is just too bland and boring, I don't like how they putting all the data into the Wasteland.

Which game looks better and is more technically impressive IYO?
Jak 2 felt like the "real" complete game, and as such it had a lot more variety than Jak3 which kinda felt like an expansion pack, with less variety and much less story to go through. They looked exactly the same, technically. I felt that Jak3 had a more stable framerate.
I'm playing Jak 2 right now and framerate seems stable, but screen-tearing is really pissing me off. I hope Naughty Dog will have v-sync enabled in their next-gen games.
I'm a pretty big fan of all 3 games, in fact I popped in Jak 2 last night on my PS3 just to see how it looked.
In terms of graphics I feel Jak 3 has a slight edge. It pulls of some bump-mapping, rag doll physics, and in particular the in-game cut scenes are really amazing. I was playing it at work the other day, and I guy walking buy thought it was a 360 game at first :D
As far as gameplay goes Jak 2 is more rounded out, but Jak 3 is definately more fun. Driving around in the congested Haven City with guards constantly chasing you down was really annoying in number 2.
Actually I've been playing Daxter (PSP) on the train recently, and just like the PS2 compatriates, it is a testament to what the machine can do. I can't wait for Naughty Dog's next foray.
I'm playing Jak 2 right now and framerate seems stable, but screen-tearing is really pissing me off. I hope Naughty Dog will have v-sync enabled in their next-gen games.

That's what i meant. Tearing means unstable framerate coupled with lack of vsync. I just feel that Jak3 had less tearing, which means its framerate was more stable - this is totally from memory so don't quote me on that.