I've been excessively pruned, have lawl!

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I was planning on posting this on GAF when my multiple account confessing amnesty kicks in so that I can get tag there, but I'll give you all a nice lol in honor of me having like 20% of my posts "pruned"
Note: I still need to think of some sort of a comeback for Chuck Norris to say in the end.


My karate master Chuck Norris and I were surrounded in the alley by the Ultra Ninja Pimp's gang. The Ninja Pimp says to Chuck, "Surrender, don't be naive." Chuck says, " Naiveness measures cynicism." NP says, " Cynicism measures laziness." Chuck says, " Laziness measures naiveness." NP says, " You measure up to be a bad geek who is easily satisfied. Now give up, your cornered!" I turn to Chuck and say, " I think they've cornered us." Chuck tells me, " The only way you can corner another human being is if you go down in flames and unless I have red pubic hair, they aren't going to do that you brainfart.", Chuck then jumps into the air and helicopter kicks the Ultra Ninja Pimp and his gang causing a shockwave that knocked me out.

When I wake up, I see Chuck crying. I ask him why he's crying. He says that his pubic hair is bloody and that he thinks that he just had a period. He asks me if it's possible that he is having a period. I say, " I don't know every answer that I should or even every question that I should, and I'm going to awknowledge this fact by saying that verisimilitude has no face value."

Nine months later, Chuck is pregnant and tells me that he is horny and to have sex with him. I say no and he asks why, is it because he's pregnant? I say that I'm nostalgic about the emotions I have, not the ones that I pay attention to.
This is basically a joke three paragraph long materpiece thing that I though up while playing Goldeneye. Just enjoy it!
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