Itagaki getting sued over sexual harassment

LOL, Brimstone you are like ten times more bitter towards Japanese culture than you need to be.

Japanese culture rocks! Although yes, equality for the sexes isn't quite there yet, and I agree that's an area that needs addressing.

(Bush is standing up to evil or for evil? I think you may have mistyped... ;) )
LOL, Brimstone you are like ten times more bitter towards Japanese culture than you need to be.

Japanese culture rocks! Although yes, equality for the sexes isn't quite there yet, and I agree that's an area that needs addressing.

(Bush is standing up to evil or for evil? I think you may have mistyped... ;) )

Doesnt that just mean that its easy for western people to get a kawaii japanese girlfriend? I read somewhere 80% of western men prefer asian girls, they should just move here :) (or import western man to Japan, wouldnt mind that either). Than they would be treated alot better.
I am really surprised by this news. Still a little bit confused about it, but i will stick with the Innocent until proven guilty side. If he is in fact guilty, then he should be punished since those are big accusations, even using his power in the company to keep the girl silent. I really feel sorry for Itagaki´s daughter since she seems to admire and like his father and now will have to deal with this.

If this news are true, we can almost guarantee that his career as a game developer would be finished, a very big lose that would be from a gamer point of view. In the social manner, that was an horrible action and if true it should be punished.
now they can stick the tag line on doa beach volleyball
'made by perverts for perverts'
(toned down)
+ no the above post aint satire (which makes it even more funny)
I too resent this kind of behaviour in a company.

An old friend and to-be-business-partner also tried to grope and kiss a junior staff in a closed room. She resisted, ran out of the room but kept quiet. He quickly called for a management meeting and coerced the managers to fire the girl and her new boy friend (also in the company) based on unsatisfactory performances. The young men jumped out of his seat and spilled the beans. The managers were stunned and felt betrayed by their boss. Within 2 months, 3 senior managers left. Managers who stayed behind for family/financial reasons hated him intensely.

Now, I feel like punching him in the face everytime I remember this incident. Guys, it's not worth it.
I believe men who cannot control his desire/lust at work cannot be trusted (especially with large sum of money).

If Itagaki's case is true, I hope he get punished promptly.
PARANOiA said:
Not a huge surprise from the man who made DOA Beach Volleyball. His respect for women appears low, at best.

Is it? I know quite a few guys (and girls for that matter) in the industry who mainly work in the ren'ai genre, and they're quite nice folks, not pigs (or hos). DOAXBV would not be something that would give me the impression of the creator having low respect for women. Granted, Itagaki's an ass (and I've said so before), but I wouldn't associate his personality to his work.

one said:
Also Itagaki's career as a game designer may just end even though what she says is not true.

I dunno about "career". Maybe his time or his work at Tecmo... He may move on elsewhere, or start up his own outfit in the future.

brimestone said:
Anyway, Japanese culture tends to treat females as pond scum in general. Japanese culture in general is very vile. Look what they did during World War 2, yet even to this day they tend to deny the human atrocites.

Oh please, get off your high horse.

brimestone said:
I'm not claiming the US or Europe are some superior society, but the tolerance level for this type of behaviour is lower in the US and Europe. It's flat out wrong for a human being because of gender to be treated as an animal.

Don't confuse litigiousness for tolerance...

brimestone said:
Speaking for myself I'd want to beat the living crap out of the anyone doing this to her if I was a Tecmo employee. This Japanese woman probably has no allies.

Oh she probably does, and you'd probably get arrested for doing so (considering you weren't there and don't know the whole situation).
If I recall corectly, something similar happened with the President of Namco. I don't remember if it happened in San Jose or back in Japan.

Anyway, Japanese culture tends to treat females as pond scum in general. Japanese culture in general is very vile. Look what they did during World War 2, yet even to this day they tend to deny the human atrocites.

Thank god for George W. Bush and his willingness to stand up to evil. Perhaps one day Japan will become somthing more than a cesspool of morality.

What the...I hope you are joking. Also the US has done lots of atrocities as well to asians/legal US citizens with asian roots after Purl Harbour. Things most US citizens have no idea about today because no one talks about them.
Employee alleges sexual harassment by Japanese tycoon.(Originated from Knight-Ridder Newspapers)

COPYRIGHT 1995 Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service

largest video arcade chain in the United States has been sued by an employee in San Jose who says she was forced to have sex with him to keep her job.

Fukiko Davis, 47, said that when she tried to fend off Masaya Nakamura's advances the first time, he held her down and said in Japanese, ``Look closely at the man who is raping you.''

Davis says in her lawsuit that like other female workers for Namco Hometek Inc. she was expected to act as a ``hostess'' when Nakamura visited San Jose and serve him food, straighten up his...

All I could find on the Masaya Nakamura's harrasment of Namco workers. It happened a while back so not much is online about it.

I love Japan and Japanese culture, but I don't overlook the shady side of it, that's the equivilent of an open sewer of morality. The treatment of women in Japan leaves a lot to be desired.

The United States is guilty of plenty of attrocities, like in the Philipines and in Central America, just to name two.
I am extremely surprised about the way women are threated in Japan since i wasnt aware of it. I really thought that in Asia women were threated the same way like men are threate, i personally thought that those kind of situations were only present in middle east. Well, i guess everybody learns something new everyday.
Well the middle east probably is far worse than Japan. I mean, Japanese woman dont get killed by their family for looking ''the wrong way'' at a man, they dont get killed if they get raped (like woman ask to be raped?), they arnt ''forced'' to stay in the house only to go out for getting food, they atleast are able to get a job though its bound to be a low ranked one.

Still bad, but not that bad. What I heard of it with the younger generation things are also changing a bit.

Ah well I guess in the end the worse woman get treated the easier it will be for western guys to get a cute looking ''I want to cook your food'' girlfriend dressed up in a ''dollgirl'' outfit ^^.
Wow, you sure have a lot of bright things to say today, don't you?

Ah well I guess in the end the worse woman get treated the easier it will be for western guys to get a cute looking ''I want to cook your food'' girlfriend dressed up in a ''dollgirl'' outfit ^^.

I won't be offended, since it's obvious you've barely touched a woman (who consented). Anyway, debating where each culture stands on a scale of moral relativism is absurdly pointless. Until we judge individuals as individuals, we cannot do any justice to any individuals.

tongue_of_colicab said:
Dont really understand why they treat woman so bad. The few Japanese girls I met looked alot nicer (looks and personality) than most western woman I know.

But than again, ive got some kind of weird fetish for Japanese/chinese girls (this one girl at the local chinese restaurant is soooooo cute).

Hmm, maybe it's because Western women won't put up with your fetishism (reducing individuals to obvious characteristics, again), that they seem a lot more hostile to you? :rolleyes:

Now, to contradict myself for a moment, I, too, would not be the slightest bit surprised that this guy's a lecher. 9_9; but let's wait and see... if it's true, then i'm proud of that woman for standing up to him (finally) -- what enables a lot of this behavior in all societies is fear.
I won't be offended, since it's obvious you've barely touched a woman (who consented).

hehe its not like I was serious about that, I do have some sense of reality ;) though I know a few people who lack that.

Hmm, maybe it's because Western women won't put up with your fetishism (reducing individuals to obvious characteristics, again), that they seem a lot more hostile to you? :rolleyes:

I just said I like how they look and they only look nice, I have no idea if they are nice IRL (the few I knew were). Its not like I dont like western woman. Some like blonds, some like brunnetts, some like big boobs, I like asian looking girls.

But you cant blame me, this is what most dutch girls look like these days when you go to a club.

What the...I hope you are joking. Also the US has done lots of atrocities as well to asians/legal US citizens with asian roots after Purl Harbour. Things most US citizens have no idea about today because no one talks about them.

Eat their livers?