Is yours to the left, right or center?

Is yours to the left, right or center?

  • Center

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Right

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Reverend said:
Actually, I think the poll results show that those that voted "Left" (the current majority) are right-handed. Right-handed guys tend to stuff their dicks to the left in the underwear.
Sort of the anti-thesis to the crossdraw strategy? :|
K.I.L.E.R said:

Differences of the world:
Left-Right politics is the traditional terminology used to describe the two ideological poles of a political spectrum in a society, especially in a democracy.

In modern Western countries, the political spectrum usually is described along left-right lines. This traditional political spectrum is defined along an axis with conservatism ("the right") on one end, and socialism ("the left") on the other. (In the United States, the term liberalism refers to a wide range of left-of-center politics, with the left edge corresponding to what in Europe is commonly termed social democracy; in Europe, this same term liberalism can refer to a wide range of center-right to left-of-center politics.) The term left and right was also used to describe politics in China starting in the 1920s until the 1980s, although the issues often were very different from the ones in Western nations.
Left = women = wrong/sinful/negative/etc.

(or something like that... I just read this in The Da Vinci Code.... on a side note, bloody hell, I don't know what's fact and what's fiction in this book at times!).
I think it is to the left... I'm not sure though, I'll have to check and let you guys know in a few minutes.
Is the poll asking whether it is pointing to left or right when it's "on", or whether you keep it in your left or right in your pants when it's "off"?

...'cos... mine is sorta in the middle when off :oops: but I'm wearing boxers right now, and it is kinda cold too!
Results for "on" position are unavailable for the moment.
london-boy said:
F'king communist...

fucking capitalists

dont forget, China is becoming the next world power. It's American capitalism that's failing, not Chinese communism.
rabidrabbit said:
No, just that reading B3D doesn't actually turn me on.

Well that's normal for most around here, but u're telling me u can't remember how it looks like when it's ready for use?
Centre and it's perfect.

This is the second poll on the topic of "manhood" (the previous one being circumcised or "smooth") - are you a closeted homosexual Rev?
Reverend said:
RussSchultz said:
Or it means you're left handed. ;)
Actually, I think the poll results show that those that voted "Left" (the current majority) are right-handed. Right-handed guys tend to stuff their dicks to the left in the underwear.

Yup. I'm lefthanded and my little friend is right.
I guess I'm the sideshow freek here. Right and right handed. Though I'm a bit of a weird one as I play pool with my left hand.
I 'dress' to the right.

I'm right-handed.

I wear my watch on my right wrist.

I leftist when it comes to politics.

I only win arm-wrestling contests with my left arm.

Hmm.... that proves it - I'm queer!

*or insert you own 'psudo psycological' conclusion here*
well mines to the left but that's because my left nut hangs noticeably higher than my right, thus causing the right one to kind of push my dick to the left to fill the space (with the help of gravity, of course)
Do we really need to know all this :LOL: ............................................ yes we do!

... when I read this thread it gives me the feeling of a brotherly bond between members.