I believe one takes texture duty on demand..it's not forced. So if you have no texture ops to take care of, the two can be used for arithmitic.
that makes the math wrong, he is thinking that it can use all the shaders AND doing texture operations, he have to change the logic AND with logic OR and redo the math
I can play soccer, I can sleep 10 hour, but not both at same time.
same it's for rsx, in the whole time there's few text ops and a lot of shading, but PER-CLOCK you, OR use fully the two shaders in a pipeline, OR do some texturing.
00MHz Core
PER-CLOCK when not texturing
24 Pixel Pipelines (2 Vector + 2 Scalar )
8 Vertex Pipelines (1 Vector + 1 Scalar ALUs)
Pixel ops per clock = 24x4 =
96 Shads/Clk
Vertex ps per clock = 8x2 = 16 Shads/Clk
(this have to be counted separatly because of the not-USA structure)
00MHz x 96 =
48 Billion Pixel Shader Ops/Sec
00MHz x 16 =
8.0 Billion Vertex Shader Ops/Sec
PER-CLOCK when texturing
24 Pixel Pipelines (1 Vector + 1 Scalar + 1 Texture )
8 Vertex Pipelines (1 Vector + 1 Scalar ALUs)
Pixel ops per clock = 24x
2 =
48 Shads/Clk
Text ops per clock = 24 TexOp/Clk
Vertex ps per clock = 8x2 = 16 Shads/Clk
00MHz x
48 =
24 Billion Pixel Shader Ops/Sec
00MHz x 16 =
8.0 Billion Vertex Shader Ops/Sec
00MHz x 24 =
12.0 Billion Texture Address Ops/Sec
so the real situation imho will stay between:
48 Billion Pixel Shader Ops/Sec
24 Billion Pixel Shader Ops/Sec + 12.0 Billion Texture Address Ops/Sec
always with:
8.0 Billion Vertex Shader Ops/Sec
I don't know if this will end to be exact at all, but in my opinin this is more fair and precise the original math