Is this normal in America?

I've seen stranger things...
A couple filed a lawsuit against a manufacturer of ceiling fans because they didn't put a warning not to toss a child up and down beneath the fan while it is running. And yes, if you think the suit came up because they didn't have any common sense, you're right.

I've also seen a news story about a guy taking a hostage and threaten to shoot her if the police did not correctly name all the seven dwarves. No, I'm not kidding.

A bank robber actually vewry nearly got away with a load of cash one time not by having a powerful gun, but by bringing a goat into the bank with him and holding out the goat's rectal opening using the potential for droppings left behind as a threat. Police wouldn't get near the guy from the front because they were too grossed out.

People praying in front of the home of a guy who faked his death at the age of 104... turned out he was actually 37, and he had his social security number mixed up with someone else of the same name who would have actually been 104 had that person still been alive.
They played this on Opie and Anthony for about a straight week, about a month ago.

A song was promptly submitted by a listener using clips from the segment. "I just wanna know where the gold's at..."

Hilarity ensued.