I was having a discussion with my friend on Plagiarism is Hollywood and Bollywood. I agreed that many Bollywood movie have plots "inspired" from Hollywood flicks. Is there Plagiarism in Hollywood too? Are there cases of movie-makers taking "inspiration" from non-English/Asian movies/stories? In the meanwhile I'll try googling.![]()
Best known examples are probably the works of Akira Kurosawa:
Orignal: Yojimbo -> Spaghetti western A Fistfull of Dollars (director: Sergio Leone; starring Clint Eastwood) -> Last Man Standing (d: Walter Hill; starring Bruce Willis, Christopher Walken)
Orignal: Seven Samurai -> The Magnificient Seven
Yojimbo was in turn partially inspired by the novel of D. Hammett.
There are loads of examples of Asian movies having an impact on Hollywood flicks. The most recent influences can be found in the horror genre. There's been a flood of remakes of Asian horror movies (Ju-On -> the Grudge, etc.).
It's not a one-sided relation. Hollywood influences cinema across the whole globe, while the re-flux is from distinct regions which have an impact on Hollywood which influences the global cinema.