Is there a non-religious reason as to why same sex unions...

Unfortunately jvd, it won't be recognized in NY. And my bf and I don't have the funds to mount a legal challenge.
I still really think America's system is an argument against marriage benefits in general. Its just a bureacratic nuisance however to get rid of it altogether. (Who do you allow into a hospitable ward for instance)

A longterm heterosexual couple likely feels the same sorts of problems. We just don't hear about them whining as much =)
Natoma said:
Unfortunately jvd, it won't be recognized in NY. And my bf and I don't have the funds to mount a legal challenge.
well if you ever get married in jersey let me know . I will come to the wedding
hell yeah, I'll come too! And I wouldn't turn down the opportunity to be a brides maid either... although not realy sure which one of you would be the bride. Damn that would be so fun all dressed up in front of a bunch of cute studly guys... okay I'm starting to get excited now, I have to stop. Never really got to do anything like that ya know ;)
jvd said:
I honestly don't care .
A civil union should not = a marriage. A marriage in the roman catholic nay even the Christian religion as a whole has been around longer than there was an america .

But there should be some equal financial treatment (status) by the gov. as with marriage if you have problems with that word.
I fail to see what is so greatly different about a civil union and a marriage? It's true that marriage used to be something grated and recognised by the church but those days are over. People are getting "married" who have no religious affiliations or even any belief in religion at all. If you want to make a distinction for yourself then you need to come up with some way of doing it because the word marriage is no longer in the hands of the church, it belongs to all people regardless of faith and thus all people should be allowed to use it. You don't see Christians pointing at Hindi/Muslim/Buddhist/Athiest/etc straight coupples and saying "they can't say they are "married" now do you? Anyone has the right to proclaim themselves to be married just as anyone has the right to proclaim themselves human. People also have the right to not consider someones mariage not sanctioned by their religion but to make non-religion-sanctioned marriage illegal is the dissolution of the seperation of church and state that we hold so proudly in this country.